Who to emblem? Kelile or Scarlett

I would go with Scarlett in that case.

Why? Both are decent heros, both are hitters. While Scarlett hits harder and is more squishy than Kelile, I think hard hitting ist the most desirable value on a hitter.


Remember this:

As I have mentioned, Scarlett is far better to emblem than Kelile. To remind you of the topic:

And you offered this as a suggestion:

:roll_eyes: The OP has already mentioned that he has maxed both heroes and was seeking advise which hero to emblem.

This is where I pointed to everyone reading the flaw of your theory that Kelile is better than Scarlett for emblems. You don’t have a maxed Scarlett in the first place and yet you are offering a “wise” decision to emblem Kelile than Scarlett without even had the chance of playing Scarlett for raids, wars, maps and quests. It’s like saying McDonald’s fried chicken is better than Jollibee’s, without having eaten yet the latter’s chicken. Or like saying Android is a better mobile platform than iOS when you haven’t held an iPhone yet. Or like saying that Levi’s jeans are more expensive than Diesel without knowing the price of some Diesel pants. In sum, do not offer suggestions on matters you don’t know too well.

At the end of the day, I respect your opinion on how valuable Kelile is for you and your team than Scarlett, even if you haven’t had a chance to play with the latter hero. Maybe it’s time for me to re-play my Kelile and see whether she is as good as you have claimed and better for emblems than Scarlett. Have a blessed day. Peace out. :v: :v: :v:

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It really depends on your roster.


Little John

Poseidon 5* 2.60

While I agree to the general concept that maxing or leveling a hero is based on the player’s bench, the instant issue is to whom the emblems toll: Scarlett or Kelile. Both are fast heroes, of rogue class and squishy. For me, I don’t need any other information since my own experience tells me that Scarlett is far better than Kelile by reason of (1) high tile damage, (2) hits target with splash damage, and (3) debuffs the attack of the target and nearby. I can’t seem to remember any other fire epic heroes that reduces enemies attack potential except Skittleskull (but she’s green) while Kelile’s burn has competition in the likes of Colen. Now, Kelile with GM is less optimal since GM has his own burns to do to a max of 3 enemy heroes. It’s like having Azlar, GM, Marjana and Jean Francois, all burning down but not stacking.

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Having Kelile just levelled up to 3/60, Scarlett shows up in the portal. I have red the comments above and have convinced me to abanndon Kelile and start with Scarlett. Such a waste of feeders on Kelile for just put her on the bench…

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At least you can use her in tavern of legends! :wink:

Don’t be discouraged! Kelile is a good hero! Like I said, I had actually emblemed her over Scarlett initially. It really depends on your roster. Maxed Kelile has a place. In fact after my previous post, I actually dusted off my Kelile and used her in my current war :slight_smile:

The question was who to emblem and not who to max. As you can see from the responses, most people max both. BOTH are useful. Scarlett just has a slightly longer shelf life for some :slight_smile:


Not wasted at all! As I mentioned I have Kelile and Scarlett at +18. I couldn’t decide and emblemed them both alternating hero node for node.

I have a deep bench and Kelile is still my only red sniper. Tile damage aside for Scarlett, I have at least 4 heroes that drop A.

They’re both on my titan team. I take Kelile over Azlar even for titans because he A value of 800 is higher.

Leveling Kelile and hardly wasted.

Good luck!

Thank you everyone! I’m going with Scarlett, however I can see Kelile could be very useful, too. It’s just a matter of prioritizing one over the other, but and the end, both are good heroes and depending on other details (like roster), Kelile could be a better option.


Seems like the OPs answer is found. I’m going to close this thread.