Looking for opinions on who to ascend next with an emphasis on war/pvp
Fire: Current 5/80’s: Gravemaker x2
- Marjana
- Zim
- QoH
- Elena + costume
- Red Hood
- Mitsuko
0 voters
Ice: Current 5/80’s: Aegir, Magni, Vela
- Vela x2
- Frida
- Perseus
- Isarnia +costume
- Richard
0 voters
Nature: Current 5/80’s: Lianna+costume, Evelyn
- The Hatter
- Gregorion
- Kadilen
0 voters
Holy: Current 5/80’s: Drake Fong, Onatel
- Malosi
- Leonidas
- Onatel x2
0 voters
Dark: Current 5/80’s: Kunchen, Khiona, Aeron, Jabberwock
- Quintus
- Thoth
- Obakan
- Domitia
- Khiona x2
- Wait for something better
0 voters