I have Vivica toon, Guardian Gazelle costume or Cleopatra. They all are great and I use them regularly but idk who is most deserving.
Vivica toon is the obvious choice.
I think G. Gazelle is highly overrated with not be able to use buffs and the penalty if she dies (which she does often now since she’s so far behind the meta). Cleopatra is a good healer but doesn’t compare to Toon Viv.
But ultimately, it comes down to who do you use more? Who are you putting on defense? What troop matchups do you have?
Totally agree with Sam, Vivica toon is wicked. I lose every raid with her on an opponent’s team. I want her sooo bad.
Unless you have absolutely nothing else you can put on your defense as a tank. Then Viv.
I don’t agree. I have both heroes maxed and CViv is the way to go!
Definitely Toon Vivica. No doubt about it.
Followed by Cleopatra (and C. Cleopatra, if you have her costume too).
G. Gazelle last on the list.
Big thanks to all who helped. I went with toon Viv and am not disappointed.
I think I would have gone with Cleopatra.
C. Vivica is pretty sturdy on her own, but Cleopatra isn’t as resilient. It would have given you two good heroes for multiple lineups instead of piling all of the resources into one.