Who should I blow my Telescopes on? Frida #2, Isarnia, Thorne

I’m getting peer pressure to level up my 3rd Ice hero (Have Frida and Magni right now). Was hoping for Vela on limited pulls last month, but no dice. Isarnia popped out my TC20 yesterday. Vote!

  • Frida #2
  • Isarnia
  • Thorne

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Isarnia is great, if you can deal with slow mana.

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Frida + Thorne charge at the same speed and have great synergy. Isarnia could work well too, though.

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What do you have maxed (emblemed?) in 4* blue, also?

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Maybe wait until S3 is released in about two weeks time?

Fenrir is looking like a badazz blue 5*.

Fighter class
780 attack ,737 defense ,1297 hp
300% damage to target.
600% if target health is below 50%.
Caster gains moderate amount of mana for each hero killed and a minor amount of damage for each minion.
Caster heals for 50% of damage dealt.

He looks like a solid defense and offense hero.

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