Who should get LB2? Edwin Vs Smartongue

Hi all,

Currently I am working on both Edwin and Smarttongue.

At the moment I am only having 2 hero on LB2 ( C2P player here) Anne and Ludwig, and Sobek will be the third.

For now I am only focusing on my defense with LB2s.

Who do you think the best target would be for LB2 and therefore good partner for the above 3? Edwin or the green goblin?

I could see Sobek and Edwin working together bypassing all buffs, but cannot unsee how useful Smartonuge could be with the permanent attack down and the additional def down.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Smartongue. 20 characters


Smarttongue without a doubt. I love her. I use her as tank raid defense and my defense does well. Ive also faced her on defense… she van be an absolute… bi…yeah :rofl:

I use her in raids too


I am not going to say which of the two.

However, I’d ask you to consider this:

Any hero you’d want to 2LB, how much longevity will they have in YOUR version of the meta?

Smarttoungue is great today. Will she still be in 3 weeks? 3 months?

For me, Aramis was a no-brainer. What about Brimstone? Love the hero right now. Will he factor in to my core gameplay later? Because I couldn’t answer that question, I left him on 1LB and haven’t suffered for it.

Also, do you NEED to use your AAs right now? From the looks of things, you spend a LOT of money. Chances are, another hero will be released that you believe will have more staying power. Patience is a virtue.


Thank you guys.

In my lvl of playing both would step up my defense for a longer time.

I used to spend around 50USD a month but never been lucky. Always s1 came instead of the featured heroes.

In the past 6-8 month the max I am buying is valor (few mistakes happened xD but now I am firm again on this) but now in like 6 weels I got Sobek, Edwin and 2 goblin with free pulls. No real metas but all elevates my squad.

As I am not expecting this crazy luck continuing I will use my free collected LB2s on these.

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I think I’d go for Smarttongue too, really great hero !!

However, putting her along with Anne, Ludwig and Sobek in your defense team, that would be 2 support heroes, and no healer yet…

That said, lowering max health can be considered as a “damage” too.

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Yeah thats my biggest problem with Ludwig in recently. I am either too passive (taunt support healer) or all out attack + taunt.

It would be easier with an Aramis or Hurricane tank but when they were feautered I got Lianna and Isarnia instead, which had lower chance. XD

I have won so many battles with having Smarttongue left alive on my team, purely because it becomes laughable at how little damage they do to me, so even if I have a very passive team remaining, including her, I can usually kill them off (albeit, slowly) with tiles because their specials do 50 damage to my heroes :rofl:

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The only one that gains anymore utility after being LB a second time is Edwin.