Who is the best tank in 4* rush attack for each elements?

(09:30 UTC Saturday, 6 February 2021)

After “93rd Raid Tournament(31st Jan, 2021) - 4* Rush Attack, All Elements” end, I think it it good time to ask who is best tank in 4* rush attack for each elements ?

Before you vote please read this,

  • In each element, if you think there is more than 1 best tank hero that are comparable, you can vote more than 1 hero up to 3. (I open this option for you.)
  • All heros are sort by name. For any hero who have costume, there is 2 different choice for him, “normal with costume bonus” and “costume”.
  • All hero synergy do take account. Let assume that you have all 4* hero and enough emblem to +20 for all of them, what hero do you choose to be your defense team’s tank ?
    (Every strong defense team need synergy. Even simple defense team with 1 tank and 4 sniper, there is a simple synergy that tank block damage and sniper deal damage. This is why I say want all hero synergy to be taken account. You can also discuss about their synergy in this topic. That will be very helpful for other player.)
  • Best tank for overall board. In Rush Attack, if board is very bad, you will lose no matter what tank is and if board is very good, you will win no matter what tank is. There are good board, bad board and moderate board so don’t let the board effect affect you vote too much. I want to remind this before you vote.
  • Almur
  • Brynhild
  • Buddy
  • Caedmon(Costume)
  • Caedmon(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Gadeirus
  • Gobbler
  • Hansel
  • Jack O’Hare
  • Kashhrek(Costume)
  • Kashhrek(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Little John(Costume)
  • Little John(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Melendor(Costume)
  • Melendor(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Peters
  • Skittleskull(Costume)
  • Skittleskull(Normal with Costume Bonus)
0 voters
  • Boldtusk(Costume)
  • Boldtusk(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Carol
  • Colen(Costume)
  • Colen(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Gormek(Costume)
  • Gormek(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Guradian Falcon
  • Kelile(Costume)
  • Kelile(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Scarlett(Costume)
  • Scarlett(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Shadereave
  • Shale
  • Sir Lancelot
  • Sumitomo
  • Sumle
  • Wilbur
0 voters
  • Agwe
  • Boril(Costume)
  • Boril(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Captain of Diamonds
  • Frank
  • Grimm(Costume)
  • Grimm(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Jott
  • Kiril(Costume)
  • Kiril(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Mireweave
  • Sapphire
  • Sonya(Costume)
  • Sonya(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Triton
  • Varleria
0 voters
  • Chao(Costume)
  • Chao(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Danzaburo
  • Gretel
  • Gullinbursti
  • Guradian Jackel
  • Hu Tao(Costume)
  • Hu Tao(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Lady Woolerton
  • Li Xiu(Costume)
  • Li Xiu(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Mist
  • Wu Kong(Costume)
  • Wu Kong(Normal with Costume Bonus)
0 voters
  • Amatrine
  • Ameonna
  • Boomer
  • Cheshire Cat
  • Cyprian(Costume)
  • Cyprian(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Fura
  • Gafar
  • Jabbar
  • Merlin
  • Proteus
  • Rigard(Costume)
  • Rigard(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Sabina(Costume)
  • Sabina(Normal with Costume Bonus)
  • Stonecleave
  • Tiburtus(Costume)
  • Tiburtus(Normal with Costume Bonus)
0 voters

I can’t mix all element together because poll can’t have more than 20 choice.

I wish this topic will be helpful for everyone.

And I wish I doesn’t forgot any 4* hero. (I doesn’t forgot 4-Star Trainer Hero but he shouldn’t be poll’s choice.)

Link for all element poll

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Yellow and purple are the easiest choice to choose tanks imo

Li xiu mana cut (costume or without, feel like it doesn’t affect the outcome that much) can be devastating in rush tourneys, cause that one round delay for full mana often decides if you win or lose

And Hu Tao’s new costume is pretty nice, blind + heal reduction makes a comeback quite hard (I think you need 2 cleansers to compete)

Purple I’m all in for tiburtus with costume, tankier than original version + def down for all usually makes it pretty hard if you don’t have cleansers or def uppers in your team… Rigard in both versions joins the tank option, just depends on the other guys you add to your team

For red I love my +18 boldtusk with Cbonus, he usually is able to heal at least once, and the revive can fu** up a good starting board… Wilbur is the other choice, but I do prefer boldtusk

Green I’d go for buddy, natural tank + minions and he is average, so rush fits him better than brynhild tanking… And kashhrek is just a tile eater, even with costume (imho)

Blue i don’t really see a To Go tank… If the rush tourney is without greens, I totally would go for boril… But with greens, there are so many dispellers, healers etc… You can just tile dump boril until your team is ready to fire… So I’d say kiril costume, def and att down really forces you to go for cleanse, otherwise it can be over pretty fast

If you think any of my arguments are plain wrong, let me know :smiley:


How do you think about Gullinbursti, Frank and Boldtusk Costume(Monk can resist Proteus’s block mana regen) ?

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Gullinbursti seems to fit best on flank, if you got a copy of him it might even be a good idea to play him double flank, but couldn’t test it yet. In the tourney some ppl were posting good results with gullinbursti flank/double flank, need to ascend mine first and see how it works

Without purple, gullinbursti fit as tank, even tho I’d still go for Li xiu, fkn mana cut haha

Frank I can’t say anything, don’t owe him and didn’t play against any “tank frank”… His stats are more offensive oriented, so I feel like he will be gone with 2x 3 tiles with a 3 green 2 other color stack

And yes, monk is not bad, but in rush tourneys I usually play one classic healer and one “semi healer”, and costume boldtusk isn’t a “full healer”, he still feels like a semi healer, so I prefer the higher att up

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In a very fast tournament with no dark heroes I think the best defense would be to field 5/5 Gullinbursti or 4 Gullinbursti and 1 Wilbur, he is that good :slight_smile:


I’ve put him as flank and a second one on wing and it worked pretty well. The thing is you don’t want him to charge too fast, as his special will get refreshed but won’t trigger, which may be problem when he is as a tank. But still he seems as a greatest tank from yellow, with base Li close second.

I think even he use his skill too fast, he still better than Li because he is also healer and if he use his skill x2 it mean +800 Hp for all hero. This will buy a lot of time of other hero to take down the attacker team.

Imo, 4 is too much but 2 either flanked or 1 flank and opposite wing is good also. 4 healers + Wilbur has no attack. It would be annoying and take a long time but you would lose. You need to bring some heroes with specials that do damage. 2 Gullinbursti is enough to keep your hitters alive to do damage to defeat whomever attacks you.

Alternatively you can just find @Anchor guide that has it all there for you in pretty colours, everything, all heroes rated. It’s a google doc but don’t have the URL (I work with a copy) or brain capacity atm.

Link to Anchor’s grading


SGG needs to slow down on pumping out five stars and increase more four star heroes in this game.

They are 4 healers but they can also do “sniper’s damage” once their attack is stacked and dealing 300ish AoE true damage in average. Also, if someone tries to dispel their buff every Gullinbursti will release it’s special damage :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone for vote.

Vote for who is the best tank in 4* rush attack for all elements?