Who do I ascend?

I have a few decisions to make on who to Ascend:. Ares or Zimkitha, Elkanen vs. 2nd Evelyn, Magni or Frida?

Maxed heroes:
Yellow - Delilah, Drake Fong, Joon, Onatel
Purple - Aeron, Khiona, Victor, Sartana
Red- GM, Marjana, Mitsuko
Green - Alberich, Everlyn
Blue - Alasie, Aegir

Keep in mind I have no 5* clerics except Elk

Ares, Eve, Magni(Frida at 3^70 can be enough for now)

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I had the same dilemma for Ares and Zim. Went Zim and then eventually Ares. Wish I hadn’t dropped the rings on him. He’s not a defensive tank anymore, he’s an offensive enabler but is not really anymore effective at 4.80 then he was at 3.70. Paladin talent is a gimmick beyond the stat increases. Zim at talent level 2 holds cups way better than Ares at the same.

For the Greens I’d hold off as there is a HotM in May or June that you might really like. Very fast mana currently and a unique special.

Blues - well I’ll always recommend maxing elemental defense downs as a priority due to the longevity they will have in your rosters (foreseeably forever).

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I have 10 tonics so I could ascend Elkanen or a 2nd Evelyn and should have mats for HOTM in May.

Elk, even with proposed changes, will still be meh. Imagine you pull say, Tarlak in two weeks… I’d be regretting not having the tonics on hand.

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Green HotM is rogue class, very fast mana, low 800 atk, high 600’s def and mid 1200’s hp.

Special allows allies to dodge to specials from 20% - 90% success depending on amount of damage from special and returns mana to dodger.

Tile damage offense will have place again attack strat.

This assumes a lot with the way they’ve been making changes to future heroes.

I mean, look at poor Atomos.

You might wait three months only to find your green a yellow sorcerer with high defense and low attack. :smile:

Correct me if I’m wrong but you generally see the HotM follow a set colour chart i.e. Khiona, Aegir, Zim, Evelyn, Onatel, Kunchen, Frida, Red, Green, Yellow…

So Zim, toss up on Magni/Frida, and wait for HOTM in May on Green (or Lianna from TC20).

No, I’m sure you’re right and I’m just thinking about Kage and Mitsuko, who are Atlantis heroes and much more likely to be screwed with.

Yeah they are playing jazz with those characters. I wish Mitsy was still a dark hero.

Maybe I should just promote a bunch to 3/70 until release 20 comes out.

Mitsy would be great in raids and Titans if she was a purple.
