Who can explain this to me?

As it can be seen:

Collected resources 53mins ago
7 mins till collections is possible
The amount i lost + the amount i have left = aprox 1 hour of tower generation
But i lost twice … And collected before… And i dont understand…

How is this possible?

This is a bug to me…

Is it the collection time that needs explaining? The amount of trophies your opponent took? The fact that they revenged you, lost, then won the next try? ¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯

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2nd revenge after a victory is weird. Maybe from 2 different attacks.

The only thing I can think of is that you were able to attack them twice through random selection within a relatively short time. Then they could have revenge attacked using both revenge buttons.

2nd revenge after a victory is not weird at all when the victory was for the defender. You can revenge up to 3 times (unless you win).

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Yep. At some point in time you raided this person and won. The first time they tried to revenge you they lost. Second time they won. Pat your defense on the back.

Except I can’t believe this would be the first time that ever happened to Boolz.

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@DaveCozy @Olmor @nevarmaor @Rhinofinch @MergingAsFastAsICan

As it can be seen:

Collected resources 53mins ago
7 mins till collections is possible
The amount i lost + the amount i have left = aprox 1 hour of tower generation
But i lost twice … And collected before… And i dont understand…

How is this possible?

This is a bug to me…

The food and iron you produce in your watchtower is not the same the Enemy take from you…

There is some post around here…


The food and iron you lose doesn’t actually get subtracted from your supplies. It’s “virtual”.


Then i should have had almost an hour worth of resources…

You LOSE resources if you dont collect them!

It is odd that the two losses have the exact same amount of resources. It’s like the counter for the raids didn’t reset after the first loss…

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Aaa??? Bnbb

The amount of food and iron is not related to the amount in watch tower only. It is related to the tropies.

Food and iron gains from Raiding are adjusted to also take the opponents trophies into account
Maybe this is was you were looking for?

In most cases food and ham should be some % of what was left in the tower and + plus the consideration for opponents trophies ( the consideration part seems vague)

But what was taken as loots was higher than what was left in the tower in both cases, unless those raids occurred before you clear the tower, then it looks buggy.

Although, I have had experience of raid time getting registered wrongly, this could also be another possibility.

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