Whitch heroes of 5 stars to level up next?

need help to choose whitch heroes to level up next…
Sartana,Kunchen or Mok-Arr already maxed Hel and Kageburado
Joon , Onatel or Justice already maxed guinevere and Leonidas
Aegir, Ariel or Frida already maxed Athena and King Arthur
Gregorian,Tarlak , elkanen or Horghall already maxed Evelyn and Lianne
Azlar(already have one maxed) or Khagan already maxed Ares and Azlar

Something you forgot to do was add context. Who do you currently have already and what are you in need of?

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I see you’re a Portuguese speaker (Aruna é para nós, lusófonos). My choices, given you have one set of ascension mats for each color:

Purple: Sartana is more verstatile, while Kunchen, when maxed at 4-80, is a great defensive tank. It’ll depend on your style and choice, but leave Mok-Arr alone (he’s a extremely niche hero).

Yellow: Joon is another great sniper, while Onatel is effective offensively. I’d level Joon first to 4-80, Onatel is already useful at 3-60. Justice, while a good defensive tank, is clearly the third option here.

Blue: I have the same options as yours, firstly I’ll max Ariel, one of the best 5* healers in the game. Aegir, given the v20 update, will be an interesting flank, and Frida has great synergy with other blue heroes. Three good options, anyway.

Green: I’d choose Tarlak, for his usefulness on titans and his outrageous high tile damage; Greg is good too. Elkanen and Horghall can wait.

Red: Azlar is a very strong hero, albeit slow - I don’t think there’s need for a second one yet. At the same time, Khagan doesn’t have my full trust. I’d level Khagan up to 3-70, and wait, so you won’t waste precions hidden blades.


Yeah i’m french but living in Portugal…thanks my friend

you’re right…I have already maxed Kageburado and Hel as purple…Guinevere and Leonidas has yellow…Athena and King Arthur as blues…Evelyn and Lianne as green and Azlar and Ares as red…thanks

Kunchen. Joon. Frida. Greg. Khagan. No clue what updates will come to heroes so I would go with diversity

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I would go
Wait for another red.

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I too have new 5*s to level. All slow. All across the board shooters. Who do i and don’t i focus on next and why or why not?

Isarnia, Elena, Horghall, Quintus and Azlar. I also have Margaret.

I’ve heard Quintus isn’t a good choice, but I don’t know why.

Also, I have Drake Fong 4/80, Evelyn +5, Anzogh +1, Mok-Arr 4/80 and Frida 4/67. Oh and Proteus I’m working on at 3/55.

Thanx for whatever help you can give :hugs:

Elena, Azlar and Isarina are all great heroes because either their special or tile damage (and in Isarina and Azlar’s case, both) can change the tide of a fight. Forget about maxing the other two, but having them at 3.70 isn’t bad and couldn’t really hurt.

If I were in your shoes, if you haven’t already, have two TC20’s running in tandem for a few months, and that will clear up your slow 5* hero problem, I guarantee it.

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Thanx Stacey. Will work on Isarnia next then , i think, Azlar.

Don’t know if I should continue to work on Guardian Falcon before I start on Azlar though.

AND… Have set up 2 TC20s as you suggested. Let’s hope it works. :sunglasses: Am dubious tough. Have been running 1 for 'bout 30 days now and no 5*s. :persevere: Maybe 2 are the trick. :sweat_drops:

You have to be patient with TC20. In the 6 months I ran two I pulled a Sartana, 2x Leonidas, Joon, 2x Obakan, Magni, 2x Khagan, Azlar, Elena, 2x Vivica, Justice, 3x Lianna, and Domitia.

I ran them both for about 4-5 months. Takes a ton of patience, but in the end, it pays off (and you end up with a ton of heroes you wont have a shot in H*** at fully ascending).