Which would make a better defense team?

Consider both fully leveled for the sake of ease.,




Both of those lists are mono colour, which is unusual for defenses, as it would allow people to stack the strong colour

If I was using one, I’d probably go all green, as Evelyn would help the rest out and she is fast, but the reality is I wouldn’t use either for the reason stated above

Welcome to the forum!

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As @Infinite suggests, mono defense is too easy to take down. My alliance has done a lot of number-crunching from wars and has determined that a rainbow defense (one of each color) is strongest. It’s also the easiest tmassemble.

Thanks for the input guys.

any particular reasons why rainbow stronger? I believe you, but I can’t imagine how exactly data suggests that…seems to me if you position heroes correctly, having 2-of shouldn’t put you at a disadvantage

Welcome to E&P discussions.

The attacker will bring 3 to 5 reds against your green defense and every red match of three tiles will take one of your heroes more than half down.

A rainbow has all colors in it and the attacker mostly will bring three against your centered hero.

The so called tank will be hit by almost all matches in the beginning and often cast at least once.

The three heroes of the strong color against your tank will be neutral or weak against other colors, which helps to keep those others alive, while the tank often dies earliest. If all were this color, they’d die directly thereafter.

Therefore it will be better to make rainbow defense or a maximum of two per color. These two should have at least one other colored in between.

Last point. It’s much harder to level up 5 of one color than 5 differently colored due to the need of the same ascension materials for equal colors.

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To expand on @Olmor’s excellent answer:

A popular structure for an offense in raids is 3/2: 3 heroes of the color strong against the center, and 2 heroes of the color that is strong against the most troublesome non-center foe. If your defense is missing a color, it must be doubled in some other color. That doubled color makes the choice of the color for the 2 easy.

Example: yellow tank, flanked by two purples. This is actually the strongest non-rainbow defense. I usually attack with 3 purple and 2 yellow.