Which purple 5* to ascend next?

I finally have another 6 tabards and am up in the air which of my dark 5s to ascend… those being Quintus, Boss Wolf and Mok-Arr. None of them are really a first choice.
I am still rather low on 5
heroes - have Thoth-Amun 4/80, Alasie 4/80, Gravemaker 4/80.
I am currently leveling Magni; he is at 4/10. My other 5* options are all ice heroes - Thorne, Richard and Rumpelstiltskin.
As for the rest of my roster - I currently have 25 4* fully leveled, including some duplicates and about 12 fully leveled 3*s, so I already have some variability in choosing heroes.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Well pal, as you said, tough choices there.
But considering your heroes, you could really use a tank right? Maybe you are using Grave now? He’s good but I still prefer him on flank. I would recommend boss wolf only because of that. Had you leveled Richard instead of magni I’d recommend MokArr but he can’t be put on defense, he will hurt your heroes and just be used on attack wisely.
As you are still building a strong defense I recommend Wolf. Now just find a healer to add to the mix and set your defense. If you do summons regularly go after Vivica (both on elemental summons and TC20), she would fit nicely on your team

Thanks for your input!
My current go-to healer is Rigard.
I don’t have much luck doing summons - everytime I do elemental yellow, I get Dawa and green, I get Tuck or Carver…:roll_eyes:

Rigard is an excellent healer (best 4* healer imo) but with him and already having thoth Amon maxed, I wouldn’t use a defense with 3 purple. So easy to battle with so many people having jackal.
It will be good only for offense to have so many purple but then wolf wouldn’t be your first choice. Or use him and rigard and put thoth on the bench