Hello! Can’ t decide, all heroes are very good. I have mats for only one. Please take your pick and elaborate on your choice if you have time, thanks a bunch!
- Scoratek
- Griffin
- Steropes
- Wang Juanji
Happy gaming everyone
Hello! Can’ t decide, all heroes are very good. I have mats for only one. Please take your pick and elaborate on your choice if you have time, thanks a bunch!
Happy gaming everyone
None really but if it I had to choose it’d be either Wang or Stereo. Just my opinion but it depends on what u want & need. Hitter or healer. No fiend counters in 4* then obv. u need Wang. Yes u can Uber heal the fiends away with Ana-Belle but that’s a lot of wasted health.
I have none of those maxed (and therefore none LB either), depending on who else you got, I would probably go for one of the healers. I have 4 other yellow 4star healers maxed (2 of them LB, planning on making it 3 by LBing the sheep) so my need for these is not very big. But I could see them work out in the right team. Wang with minions against fiends is a bit of a small niche, but Stero seems more widely usable.
Yep, I forgot to mention I already have CC Lixiu, C Gullin, C Wukong, D’Andre and Mist on LB. So I’m kinda set with healers. I need a good sniper so it’s really a dilemma between Scoratek and Griffin. Both are really good and I just can’t decide between those two.
Strangely, I am not really sold on Scoratek myself as I am yet to level him, I don’t think I’ll ever LB mine, though in bloody battle tourneys, he can be useful with his exploding fiend.
Griffin is only s4 4* I actually like using and I have him LB +19, mostly sees use in some 4* tourneys, mainly the bloody battle ones.
Wang Yuanji is an overhealer I have her with LB +20, very useful in tower events, where you need overheal or against fiend heavy teams to remove fiends.
Don’t have Steropes.
If you need sniper, you probably can’t get wrong with either Scoratek or Griffin, Scoratek gives a weak hit, but a fairly strong explosion afterwards that also hits nearby enemies and Griffin bypasses counterattack and reflection buffs and gives bigger hit. Seems like people like Scoratek more though.
I gave my vote to Wang Yuanji still, as I use her more than Griffin in general.
Griffin if u need a sniper.