Which one to level up (4* holy healers)?

Hi all!
Which one of these would you level up and why?
Can you rank these from best to worst?

Wang Yuanji
Gullinbursti, costumed

I’d say piggy is the most usable.

  • Steropes
  • Wang Yuanji
  • Gullinbursti
  • C.Gullinbursti
0 voters

I like Steropes, but he falls short in rush, where the others will shine… :thinking:

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I’m the wrong guy to answer any question about Steropes. Maybe @McNaulty can give you unbiased, admiration for Ol’ One Eye.

I use Pig (uncostumed with bonus) more than any on the list.

But D’Andre and Sheep get more reps than either of the above.


Thanks for making that vote :blush:

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I know that but I only have those I mentioned on original post :joy:

I hear that. I don’t have Wang Y either. Just my 2 cents.

Thank you all for your votes. Seems like Gullinbursti (+costume bonus) it will be :slightly_smiling_face:

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Personally I have all of them but only use regular Gullinbursti and Wang Yuanji. Gullinbursti has been a mainstay for a long time and Wang Yuanji has one of the highest health boosts in the game and shines in fast wars.

I’ve seen some people use Steropes successfully but he requires a pretty good board or a battle tactic where you’re expecting to die, and if your roster is strong then it shouldn’t really happen. He’s more of an event hero for towers I think.

I almost never use costume Gullinbursti unless I need someone for a class limited quest.

Goldie is the one to get right now, but also D’Andre gets used a lot more than any of those mentioned here.

I don’t have a single one of these… :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_tear:

but this thread is really helpful for me, should I ever get more than one :slight_smile: