I got wilbur now in Atlantis summon but yesterday I started to level up majrana . Any advice plz who is first as I hv only resources to make one to ascend .
Thanks .
I got wilbur now in Atlantis summon but yesterday I started to level up majrana . Any advice plz who is first as I hv only resources to make one to ascend .
Thanks .
Er what is the rest of your team? Wilbur is just too powerful in the right team. He is at least a 4 and a half star.
I would say it depends on the number of rings you have.
Both are great heros.
If you have 4+ rings I may go Marjana, if you don’t I would say Wilbur.
But Wilbur will help you get those rings for Marjana as well.
What is meant by 4+ rings ?
4 rings as in the mystic rings needed for Marjanas final ascension to 80.
Based on this I would say Wilbur for sure. 4* are quicker to max and having depth is key. 5* are nice to have but take a lot to max. I would suggest focusing on your 4* until you have 3 sets maxed. Then you can get to your 5*.
Couldn’t agree more. Wilbur may just b one of the top epics. Marjana is a beast but get Wilbur dun first and then work Marjana. He can really solidify a team with his special. I mean REALLY!!! Plus u will get him dun quicker and then u can focus on Marjana
Thanks all 4 ur advices
That is what the forum is for. I try to give back as I have asked a lot of questions in my early days.
Wilbur for sure. Then I would save up the mats for the 5* heroes on your bench