Which is better: Atlantis Rising or Valhalla Forever?

Which is better: Atlantis Rising or Valhalla Forever?


Is this a trick question?

AR gives improved loot and lower flags

VF gives standard loot and lower flags

AR has an unlimited number of sea dragons that always give coins

VF has a capped number of gnomes that give out small pots of iron etc and coins if you’re lucky

Both are good if you’re still completing those maps but I fear most of us will ignore VF after this week’s initial novelty.


Atlantis rising is better for farming and using all the loot tickets at once! However, in my particular situation, I welcome VF because I have reduced energy costs and I’m completing the hard levels, getting a lot of valhalla tokens so that I can pull 3-star heroes from the Valhalla portal.


I could care less about VF. I live for AR .


Valhalla Forever is only good for complete missions or uncompleted levesl at lower WE cost.


I’m only using valhalla to finish on hard. 4 more levels and I’ll probably never go back to it.


With season 4 coming out I like the lower cost of VF to finish off missions from season 3. I have completed season 3 on both modes and agree after missions are complete there won’t be much use for VF for me.

To be very honest I much prefer AR for the increased loot.
With VF the only attraction for me currently is the reduced energy to complete S3 Hard mode which I have been waiting to do.
SG will need to tweak something to make VF more interesting/viable in future


for who finished both seasons i dont even think its debatable. sure, VF is ok to get “6 flag loot” for 3 flags, but AR is where everybody will spend the flasks


in my opinion, you have to make some questions to yourself to find it out. I think not all the players are in the same situation.

Did you finish Valhalla, both levels? VF is a good chance to complete it.
If you did, then

Are you swimming in we flasks?
Dont you mind spending flasks on VF at the cost of AR? (because you are not particularly interested in pullling in Atlantis Portal, or you dont need to farm any item… so many reasons)

From my point of view, i prefer to use some kind of 30/70 of my WE Flask storage. I dont want to empty my we flask storage but i dont want to let VF goes without farming the gnomes. Same applies to those who want to farm Avatars or finishing the hard mode.


but for new players both are veeery helpfull for catching up

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It’s nice to have half price loot in the first 10 provinces, so easier to farm XP with your usual WE but save the flasks and loot tix for AR


I’m C2P, so I only have a small number of loot tickets. In recent months, I’ve been auto-ing my AR runs and finding that I have the patience to go through maybe 10-12 flasks’ worth.

I probably net ~18 flasks a month, though! So I can auto through 6 flasks on VF and 12ish on AR and only use my loot tickets when I am pressed for time. =)

Loot tickets are probably better spent on AR, though.

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I’d completed all stages so AR is more attractive for better loot.

Normal I’m on the last provence and hard Iv only done the first provence sure on hard I still got along way to go. Say this point in time I had completed both, I probably wont ever go back either may do a level here or there when it’s on just to Change it up. Also for the pov daily quest but other than that I’ll stick to farming S2 with any WE Im not using else where.

This is the most accurate thing I have ever read

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For me personally VF is better.

I want my profile leveled up as fast as possible. Best WE 3 level of AR gives way less xp than the worst WE 3 level of VF.

I really enjoy the fact that gnomes have a chance of dropping emblems. Being vc2p player, those emblems give me ways to improve my S1 4* heroes which are my main weapons.

Also being reluctant to use my WE flasks on both events (preserving them for the challenge event WE 1 stage) I have the chance of meeting almost the same amount of gnomes as seadragons, which is way under 20 per day. So I cannot reach the cap anyway - that is not an issue.

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Same opinion here, I will definitely save flasks for Valhalla Forever Event .
I love the Gnome drops. Especially the big bundles and nuggets.

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Be Interested in your feed back on VF