Which Holy hero to LB

Hi all i can’t decide who to LB Topaz or Horus on my defense team.

The team consists of
Zagrog , amethyst, Bobo, LOTL, and either topaz or horus…

Do you have emblems for both?

Yes i do at the moment

The only reason i would side with Topaz is for the ninja family bonus.
Else I will go with Horus. He is V fast, has a decent hit 3 and a chance to cast attack down on all and a tickle.
Personally, I dont like both as defenders. But Horus has value coz of the reliable v fast hit and passives. Ninjas on defense except the recent purple girl have never been reliable as defenders.

Topaz is amazing for what she does, but I think Horus is more well-rounded and useful. That VF is tough to deal with on defense.


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Thank you both for your advice

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Who to limit break for my defense team?

  • Topaz
  • Horus

0 voters

I would overall prefer Topaz, but Horus is much better for defense as he is very fast and hits three plus reduces max health. I see Topaz great on offense against minion defenses

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Thanks all so i went with horus, also have eset but haven’t even started leveling her yet as she is slow

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That’s the real key. I would rather have Topaz but for defense the ninja charge is unreliable based on the system’s current AI.

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