Which heroes are you working on?(why?)

Me lord loki and his costume that i got after 17 pulls in untold tales 2


Finished since last time

  • :green_circle: - Peregrine - itā€™s so satisfying to have a recent hero with really beefy stats. Great on defense and offense. Also finished Zarel since she wasnā€™t far off.
  • :yellow_circle: - Lemmonwood is maxed and used constantly. Also leveled Guardian Jackalā€™s costume completely.
  • :large_blue_circle: - Cel is at 80, and I donā€™t use her as much as I thought I would. I donā€™t have a lot of extra blue mats, but I will likely LB her if I come across them. Also leveled Grimā€™s 2nd Post Carrier costume.
  • :red_circle: - Eron is currently at level 89, so almost maxed. Use constantly.
  • :purple_circle: - Knave of Hearts is maxed and used constantly.


  • :green_circle: - General Yin because he is also close. Will get back to Congalach and his costume right after.
  • :yellow_circle: - Finally going to start on Vivica and all of her costumes (including glass). I donā€™t have any of them leveled, so will be spending a long time working on her.
  • :large_blue_circle: - Finishing up Siofra who is currently at level 76. Just pulled Grimmā€™s glass costume, so will likely go ahead and level next since I have all of his other costumeā€™s maxed.
  • :red_circle: - Eron is just about done, and Iā€™m leaning on leveling Ferantā€™s costume. Maybe work on Lucy or Raul.
  • :purple_circle: - Almost have Rigardā€™s toon costume leveled. Next up will likely be Phorcys with costume. Possibly Deadboot or Dreadstar. I havenā€™t figured out between the three which I want to level next.

Baldur because I am now refusing to waste my trust fund on 3 and 4* feeders anymore

My 2 main Heroes of focus would be both Chloris and Mene. When I have extras, I have been typically building up Zila Lei because I like her design.


Itā€™s been a while so. This is how 2025 is starting out:

:new_moon_with_face: Legendary - Amethyst - Got a few other Ninjas and I figure the fiends could come in handy. Not sure Iā€™ll take her all the way but will get to at least 3-70
:new_moon_with_face: Epic - Ana-Belle - Had her sitting on the sidelines for a while now so figured Iā€™d pull the trigger
:new_moon_with_face: Rare - Greel - (Same as beforeā€¦Still) Iā€™ll get round to finishing him off eventuallyā€¦Maybe
:sun_with_face: Legendary - Joon - Taking him to 3/70 just in case those costumes come along.
:sun_with_face: Epic - Zione (Still) - No real reason. Had her so thought I might as well as not many other options
:sun_with_face: Rare - Saskia - No real reason. Just someone to do really
:snowflake: Legendary - C.Loki - Got him from the outfitter. Finished my other blue project so heā€™s the priority now. Should have him done by the weekend
:snowflake: Epic - Greg - Iā€™ve heard decent things so thought Iā€™d see how he does
:snowflake: Rare - Planchet - (Same as beforeā€¦Still) Really have no incentive to finish this one but Iā€™ll get there one day
:leaves: Legendary - Chloris - Got bumped a few times by other better greens but back in the fold now
:leaves: Epic - Hansel - Honestly thought I had finished this one but realised it was on my alt. Got his costume too so why not
:leaves: Rare - General Yin - (Same as beforeā€¦Still) Yepā€¦skip
:fire: Legendary - Blossom - It was between her and Fulvia. Iā€™ll get her to 3-70 then weā€™ll see who gets the rings first
:fire: Epic - Kelile - Got her costumes here now so figured I would finish them off
:fire: Rare - Rufus - (Same as before) Rares havenā€™t really been a priority for me. I think the fact they can be done in a day makes me not bother until I really want or need them

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :guardsman:

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Iā€™m taking Vivica to 3/70 for the same reason. Just in case her costumes one day arrives to my team

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2 Lord Lokiā€™s with costumes and double limit breaks, and itā€™s doing my head in. Itā€™s bad enough doing 2 5 stars in a row, but doing 4 of the same hero is a brain drain.

Currently I am working on these heroes.

Matilda coz I need a Yellow fiend summoner, Toon Rigard, King Arthur & Elradir coz I donā€™t have any other heroes to work on and Domiventus coz heā€™s my newest hero.

Throwing trainers at LB1 levels on Jonā€™s second costume. Next will be LB2 levels on Hel/c-Hel

I am maxing Guardian Gazelle from FS for my purple titan team. Will likely take the costume from VO by the end of 2025z

I am just starting Dawn, whom I intend to max and 2LB for her use in non-3* contexts.



I always work on rainbow, so all the colours are balanced :grin: Got LL costume, so levelling him just for the sake of fun raiding with him and checking out all other heroes specials. The rest self explanatory - new powerful heroes. Hornfel is the only 50/50, as I also have Sparklight and was a bit torn between the two - anybody have them? What would you choose to be levelled first?

Ahh come onā€¦havent you done any classic heros with a full costume set yet? :slight_smile:

And I am still waiting to get Dawn!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Only 4 stars, and hated that too lol. I donā€™t really farm, and apart from tower events farming is my least favourite thing to do. I have two tc20s on the go so itā€™s a slow journey getting the feeders out of the other tcs. I like to take a break between 5 stars to focus on 4s and 3s but this Lord Loki grind is driving me up the wall. It will be worth it in the end though.

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Hornfel is the only 50/50, as I also have Sparklight and was a bit torn between the two - anybody have them? What would you choose to be levelled first?

I only have Hornfel, but he was so much better than I anticipated. I never really saw him listed in the leaderboard even when he was new, but he must be just a tick below what was meta at the time. Mine is Level 90, completely maxed and I use him constantly. I was kind of shocked when they buffed the constructs with the ā€œResist Special Skill Blockingā€ passive, so that makes him even better.

Very lucky day today with free tokens!! Oh and of course Ludwig from fated.

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I said 2025, but I meant start of January, NOT FEBRUARYā€¦
Base Thorne: 5/80+14 ā†’ 6/85+23 (missing M-emblems)
Toon Thorne: 5/82+14 ā†’ 6/90+23 (same as above)
c1 and c2Thorne: 1/1 ā†’ 4/80+23 :tada:
Blossom: 5/85+18 ā†’ 5/85+20 :tada:
Deadboot: 4/80+20 ā†’ 5/85+20 :tada:
Athena: 1/1 ā†’ 2/1
cAthena: 1/1 ā†’ 2/44
Leveling Athens now.
Cya I HOPE in 2 weeks