Hi, could you tell me who should I be working on? My main goals are:
Staying comfortably in Platinum
Getting better results with titans.
Thanks in advance!
Hi, could you tell me who should I be working on? My main goals are:
Staying comfortably in Platinum
Getting better results with titans.
Thanks in advance!
GP for yellow titans
4 ☆juliani,zlotko,sun shangxiang,mielikki,gnatochiod. 5 ☆gestalt,sir casmir,ginewra,lady locke,pophit
For titans Wu (still), Sun, G Falcon, Vivica, Briane
Gestalt, Pophit, Camilla , Panther and Guinevere (if have costume) or Goldie
Guardian Panther for Purple EDD
Guardian Falcon for Red EDD
Good ones 4*: Greg, Bogart, Ptolemy, Rigard, Kiril C, Mack, Sun Shanxiang,
Good ones 3*: balthazar, Treewill, Maeve, Greel, Bane, Kvasir, Kailani C, Jaco, Dawn, Halo, Jokkuhainen, Belith Toon, Mielikki, Green taunter Bear, Brienne toon, Boots,
Titans over 9-10 stars will 1 hit 4 star heroes so dont aim to high
Titan info: you need skills like this:
Elemental defense down + defense down + normal attack up + attack up
Raid def: try to find a raindow def with synergie. Your best heroes Gestalt C and Pophit so prioritize them. Platinum is reachable with your team, but need to Limit break them.
Your overall best heroes who are not only for 2-3 months:
Gestalt, Pophit, Greg, Goldie, Rigard C, Dawn, shrubbear
Thank you all so much
G. Panthar. I will give Sir Casmir a miss, won’t level him.
Please 2LB your Goldie and bring her up to max level. You will love her.
Red: Gestalt
Titans: (Primary heroes are in Bold. If there is a similar hero in that colour then the Secondary heroe(s) will be in Italic)
Purple Heroes: G Panther (Purple Elemental Def Down), Lexi (Purple Elemental Def Down), Maeve (General Def Down), Treevil (General Def Down)
Yellow Heroes: Bertulf (Attack Boost), Wu Kong (Attack Boost), Bogart (General Def Down)
Blue Heroes: Isarnia (General Def Down), Nordri (Blue Elemental Def Down), Pophit (General Def Down), Knuckles (General Def Down)
Green Heroes: C.Brienne (General Def Down)
Red Heroes: Sun ShangXiang (General Def Down), G.Falcon (Red Elemental Def Down), Bagreg (Red Elemental Def Down), Gestalt (Stacking def down)
To explain the Wu Kong vs Bertulf choice, While Wu Kong technically has the stronger effect it also comes with a miss chance. I persoanlly prefer Bertulf as there is no miss chance and they can both hang in a fight about as long as each other. You should max them both if only for use with the Mythic titan too
Sun ShangXiang is probably the best Def down hero you currently have. Her def down can get upto -64 or -68% I believe. Gestalt’s Def down from Magma cubes will stack with general def down. Green titans should become a breeze for you if you max the primary red heroes
This will depend on your playstyle but additional heroes from the titan heroes to consier would be:
Purple Heroes: Rigard (Great Healer and he cleanses), Proteus (Mana control, great in events too), Sabina (Good healer and dispeller)
Yellow Heroes: Goldie (Good healer with ailment reflect)
Blue Heroes: Dawn (Mana controlling minions), Joukanhinen (Buff Dispeller and blocker)
Green Heroes: Shrubbear (3* Taunt hero and very useful)
Red Heroes: Basil and Boots.
Do the toon hereos you have. As I always say, Toons are gonna toon so you should do them. The 5* heroes you have look pretty decent. Use them a bit and see how you feel before committing the materials to them. The only one I would warn against would be Lady Locke
Whatever you decide I hope it works out for you
Just one gamer’s opinion
Game Well
Gestalt and Pofhit your best options.
Gestalt is usable on TT too.