Which hero do you most rely on?

Jabberwock I use him for everything. His damage is exponential.

It depends but mostly proteus or miki for me.

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Ariel…my Queen.
I would love to have another 5 for my 4+1 war teams!
Maybe the best support hero in the game.
And then c-Rigard…the King.
I have 3 maxed at +20.


One only: Proteus

I currently trying to not depend on Proteus in Raid, so it depend on mono teams now, and Proteus is not in my purple teams.
But, in map, event, etc outside of raid and war, I still use Proteus to save battle items as much as I can.


Hmmmm tough one, but I guess if I base it on frequency used, then my cTibs+18 still sees the most action. That defense down to all at pseudo-fast (9 tile) speed is just invaluable, and he pairs well in any color stack.

Lady of the lake. She goes everywhere

Kingston. Better than Lianna and his attack down can take opposing heroes down to -51% attack and then costume Mel because that defense buff :heart_eyes:

For me it is definitely c.Rigard. Cleanses, buffs attack and heals everyone, comes quite handy in the current meta. I have 4 of him maxed and emblemed to that mana nod so he can be charged with 3x3 tiles with level 5 mana troops.

Then, it is Freya. Her minions and defense buff protect my whole team. I use her with fat crit troops, so those minions are even more chubby.

Finally, Hel is the one hero that can make the difference on attack, giving me space to clear the board by blocking mana on 3 opponent heroes. Also, that xtra damage against holy and pretty high attack stat makes her very usable for holy titans.

Isarnia is an interesting choice. Ive had her for a while now but couldn’t bring myself to level her up due to my unjust prejudice of slow mana, although i have started to level up Azlar in the hopes of getting his costume. Perhaps I need to take a long look in the mirror and just get over this slow mana nonsense :face_with_monocle:

Honorable mentions to c-Rigard, Sif and Proteus, but I’d probably go with Mother North.

Sif is the one. She messes up the other side’s attack every time unless I am working with a horrible board. I love watching the other side kill themselves off, trying to attack her and her close allies.

I ignored slow mana heroes for a long while too. They do take an adjustment in your thinking to use effectively, and you need to think survivability when building your team with them. Thus always having Ariel there with her heal and mana boost. Another slow hero I use a lot now is Costumed Elena.

For me it’s Seshat Also.

I see what you mean, very good mix of everything you’d want in a sniper.

Alliance: Omega Snipers

I don’t have most of the 5* heroes others have mentioned. My take everywhere hero is Heimdall. Attack boost and overheal make everyone else better.

Honorable mention to cRigard

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She’s the one for me as well. My saviour in so many times even if she was alone against three opponents.

He’s part of my mono purple team and all stages of events.

Ariel +19 the best healer in the game.average speed cleanse…+24 % mana…my Queen

I’ve had terrible luck pulling anything but 3*s, because RNGesus hates me personally, and then I managed to pull C Mel… oh my.

Opened up opportunities I had previously only dreamed of. lol

I’m sure my love for him will fade as I eventually get some more 4s and, gasp, 5s, but right now he’s my Gandalfy hero!


Definitely Sabina. My first four star healer and one of only two heroes I have max emblems on.

Special mention to Proteus, Wilbur and Mother North, who get me out of tight situations too.

I really should use Rigard and his costume more often, but I got him pretty late in the day, and while he is now levelled, he is fighting for emblems so is still lingering at +10.

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Joon is in 99% of any high end battles. Everyone else is interchangeable.

Easily Guardian Gazelle. She was one of my first 5* event heroes and initially I didn’t realize how great she was.

The reason why I rely on her so much is because of how awesome she is for Titans, so much so I use her for every one of them including the Holy ones. She reduces ALL damage by 50%, increase all damage from allies by 2x, clears all status effects (good and bad) and prevents them from being applied, etc etc. She is far better than Wu Kong because there is no accuracy penalty at all so while the boost in damage isn’t as much it pays better dividends ultimately.

She is of course useful for every world/event stage as well (aside from any battle that has Holy reflecting enemies).