Good day, I use a mono team for raids and wars, currently, i have enough tonics to ascend up to 2 green heroes. My current team is MotherNorth-hansel-liana-frigg-almur
They are all fully emblemed.
I recently pulled Galjammar and together with Elradir and Balbar are being brought up to 3/70
I also have zocc, telluria, margarette, bertilla, kadilen, elkanen all at 3/70. Tarlak is also fully emblemed.
So the strategy i usually use is tile-kill the blue tank then after 3 matches hansel-liana-frigg-almur charge at the same time. After frigg-almur def downs, liana can usually kill 1 more hero while hansel disables another. Mother usually serves as a security blanket… my question is which among my heroes can help improve my mono green team? My thoughts so far are:
Replace hansel with galjammar- instead of disabling an opponent, galjammar can eliminate one instead
Replace mother with telluria- telly with the right mana troop can charge together with the others and can provide little health+minions and can replace mother as the healer?
As others said, Galjamar instead of Hansel makes sense.
From my own research normal defense down + elemental defense down don’t stack as well as advertised.
I guess Kadilen could replace Almur. Frigg+sniper+Kadilen should finish off heroes as well as Frigg+Almur+sniper. Plus you would benefit from her defense against special and get a good reason to pull in the costume portal. Elkanen would do the job too, but his costume is meh.
For the record, I run a very similar mono green. The initial roster was Alberich, Evelyn, Kingston, Elkanen and Peters. Then Lianna instead of Peters, then the Hatter (9 tiles) instead of Elkanen.
How do you find a revive hero in your mono green? I know that there are times where the tables could flip with the revive but do you think there wouldve been more wins by replacing the reviver with another (faster) hero? Like telly?
Telly isn’t a game changer like MN or Alberich or Heimdall…
Unfortunately, Nerfuria’s days have passed long time thanks to the nerfs she suffered…
Another idea would be (of you want a quicker heal) to emblem + LB Melendor + his costume…
He has about 200 more sword then the 3 above + quicker heal + CB…
I avoided leveling Margaret for the longest time, but after I did, I ended up taking her to +18 on emblems. She has a base attack stat of 950, and then another 18% in battle with the troop bonus takes her to 1121. I then run her in my defense with Onatel and Seshat, giving the max 2019 family bonus of 20% attack. She hits very hard to say the least.
Whether or not you use her in your mono Green, Margaret is worth a max in my opinion.
EDIT: Might I mention that the only 5* greens I have are Margaret, Evelyn, Lianna, & Kadilen, and then Horghall at 3-70. So I didn’t have many options when I went to max a green.
Having a reviver to flip the tables is the only reason why I play mono in green. In the other colors I play 4/1 or 3/2.
At a certain point (probably 25 x5*, like the level you’re approaching) I think the stake is to offset bad boards and still come through with your attacks.
Im at a point in my game where my goal is to carry 5 mono teams of each color. My blue and red are pretty solid. My green is average i would say but mu purple and yellow is far from complete.