I have enough tonic and shields to ascend a 5* or 4* green. I’m not sure which one would be best. I’m debating between The Hatter, Atomos, Gadeirus, or Caedmon. Below is my hero roster since seeing that sometimes helps with making a decision.
Hatter is actually Caedmon on steroids.
Gadeirus can be extreme helpfull on blue titans with his buff.
Atomos is stupid in defence, I don’t know how he look in offence.
If your priority are titans go with Gadeirus, if not, Hatter is awesome.
I’d love to do Lianna next, but then I would need 4 more shields, so she would be stuck at 3.70 fo ra while. That’s the reason I’m not considering her yet. Maybe that’s a bad way to look at it?
Agreed. That’s why I included him in the list of candidates. My concern is that I don’t have any 5* green heroes yet and was thinking that The Hatter or Atomos might be worth prioritizing over him. Plus The Hatter is essentially a better Caedmon (in my opinion). Regarding Atomos, I have a full Atlantis family, so with him, it’s 20% defense bonus and I’m being very hopeful/optimistic that SG will revisit him sooner rather than later.
I love Posideon. I had a hard time between him and Joon. When i’m facing Guin, Hel, Proteus, etc. He laughs at them. Having a 5* that can counter mana debuffs is huge in my opinion.