Next rings will probably come faster than those. Ascend Marja now and go for more rings with her. To keep mats for potential heroes isn’t the best strategy…
What will you use your next red 5 for? And do you have a lot of mana controllers? Snipers? Personally I’d love Mits for my red attack team, having no mana controllers in it… and good sorcerers beeing scarce too. Elena for titans.
(Also, going by the Atlantis thread, there might be a chance for Ares appearing this coming AR)
I dont have much mana controllers, other than proteus, hansel, gretel etc and copies. But dont have any 5* mana controller. I do have a lot of snipers though.
I am going to take Mitsuko, QoH and Elena to 3-70 and if Ares doesn’t appear this Atlantis I will level up one of them and by that hopefully I will have 6th ring.
I use mitsy all of the time. She has more versatility than Marjana. Since her special reflects blue a decent board gives you the ability to use her before a blue wing goes off, either sniper or AoE. I’d take her up before QoH as her special aims all other specials at her, which is suicide in most cases.