Which defense would you go with?

Okay here me out. Right now my defense is with 2018 zeline and alasie for the defense bonus. I now have enough green to max a green. Here is my question. Which defense looks better? Zeline and alasie with the 18 bonus or should I change out to Kingston and Frida for the 19 bonus? I have enough blue aethers to LB Frida as well. Which looks better to you as well? I’m close to getting my blue mana troop to 23 as well.


  • Zeline and Alasie
  • Kingston and Frida

0 voters

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Outside of limit breaking I like Zeline and Alasie better.
Zeline and Kingston both have their attack down. Both have a mana buff elemental link. Zeline hits all and dispels buffs on top of that. Her mana buff is better, but it’s too all, versus Kingston having a “larger” one.
Alasie hits less, but comes with mana ailment over EDD. Yeah Frida does more total damage, but I’d rather take the speed upgrade and mana ailment if you had to add something.

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Thank you. Appreciate the poll.

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Well what about with the lb and if I get the mana troop to 23? That would make Frida the same speed as alasie right?

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Frida base is 10 tiles ( on offense). Alasie is 8. Mana troop on Frida will take her to 9 tiles. But still slightly slower.

I think the speed, buffs, and ailments are superior on Alasie/Zeline even if Frida has higher stats via LB.

Take a look at the teams that attack you. Do you get hit with green heavy teams? Perhaps Frida’s elemental link could be the differentiator.

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Thank you for your input

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