BT still useful in diamond arena due to his attack buff but definately not as a tank.
As for Kashhrek, I’ve got him at 3 60 but I decided to max Caedmon instead. A decision which I never regret.
Yeah my defense team doesn’t last long in Diamond at all but my offense has no problem getting there with BT in the mix. And I dont like Kash too much either. He was stuck on 3.60 for a while but I wanted to strengthen my 30 hero roster for war.
Very much disagree. I find Kashrek tanks quite easy to beat. You just send all your tiles at Kashrek, let him heal over and over til you’ve got a few damage dealers charged up then start taking out their scariest damage one by one. You can leave Kashrek for last, he’s not threatening at all. Don’t try to kill Kashrek unless it ends up super convenient. Don’t stack red vs him, just bring your best snipers and healers.
Buddy is a way scarier 4* tank.
Boldtusk, Kiril and Rigard are all better than Kashrek IMO too.
I even find Colen and Hu Tao scarier than Kashrek because if you screw up or get a bad board you can lose if their special goes off once.
Rigard. Kunchen is tank material but if you dump emblems in Rigard you’d end up with the stats of a 5 star. I’ve seen one at level 11 and he took shots from both my maxed Joons and still lived.