Which dark hero to limit break next?

  • Viscaro
  • Xnolphod
  • Lu bu
  • Kemeny
  • Pthonus
  • Anubus
  • Seshat with costume
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I think without knowing what other dark heroes you have in your roster it would be difficult to say exactly. And even then… it’s about what you need and how it fits into your playstyle.
Personally I would go for cSeshat, but that’s because I always wanted her!
The only hero I have from that list is Anubis and I enjoy him quite a lot.

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Thanks for your reply, i have lb2 hulda, ludwig, aramis, alifrike and lb g panther costume

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Depends on how you use aethers - to power up old heroes, or boost newer ones. We’ve got a very similar set of dark heroes!

CSeshat I’d love - but her costume boost means she doesn’t need it.

I did Lu Bu because I used him auto farming a lot and find his buff preventing fiends very useful.

Kemény and Phthonus would both benefit from the additional survivability and damage.

Anubis is in line for my next ones (or Grimble)

Xnol would also gratefully receive additional health.

Who do you use most? Do you find any of them die too often?

That’s probably how I’d work it out.


Thing is i can see uses for all of them, would need lu bu for war of 3k, pthonous is mainly rush anto alrifke counter. Did not have other def down so i could use anubis to hit titans . Seshat has the stats to go far in most battles , best luna counter. Have other garogoles to pair with kemeny.