Which 5* yellow to ascend?

Just got some darts from that new summon from the free crystals.
Which yellow 5* should i use them on.
I have Kara, Joon & Vivica so far in yellow. Im a vc2p player.

  • C. Odin
  • C. Roc
  • Leonidas
  • Justice
0 voters

I’d say C Odin.

Leonidas doesn’t deserve the darts without the costume.

C Roc is not bad.


I know you and some other will be tempted to say C.Odin. But I think C.Roc will be your value here. Normal Roc kinda useless, but C.Roc is one of the very few yellow defense down, also C.Roc is one of the very few Dispel all in yellow also.

C.Roc doesn’t have the flash and dmg that C.Odin has but C.Roc will give you Defense down, it helps in PvP and PvE like Titan, dispel will be helpful in raid and war etc.

The huge DoT is just a bonus, dispel and defense down is the main sell, and you don’t have that many in yellow that does that. Beside, C.Roc with costume bonus you can make it 9 tiles with a low lvl mana troops.


I would do Costumed Roc personally, but I can definitely see why people would vote for Costumed Odin instead.

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of specials that depend upon tiles on the board, so that would sway me to Costumed Roc.

Additionally, that would give you a dispell and a defense down for holy, which so far your five star heros do not offer. Guardian Jackal could even stack his elemental defense down with the normal defense down to deal some unworldly damage to titans!

At the end of the day, remember that you’ll likely level up both of these heros eventually anyway… so if you really can’t decide just do a coin flip for who goes first!


I think both @Enoikos11 and @Roblo convinced me !

C Roc seems to be a far better choice !

I changed my vote.


In case that help :


The talent tree is correct, but another good thing about C.Roc after your talent tree is it uses Barbarian emblem base on main side, which in most ppl’s case is less use, so should have a lot stock around. (normally)


I will do both eventually but may take months for the next.
I have like 1200 barbarian emblems and only 88 paladin. But also in the process of levelling c2. Obakan.


If you are not fuss about maxing the talent, you could give half half between C.Roc (Roc) and C2Obama. Where as you will have no Paladin emblem to give to Odin at all, unless you reset others, that’s another can of worms…

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Voted for C-Roc for the reasons above :innocent:

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