Which 5* heroes you would NOT ascend and why?

Isarnia is probably the reason i don’t go for Alasie.
Alasie is surely better, but i don’t feel like loosing so much with her on my side.
This way i can spend my few chance on some other HoTM that makes more difference to me.

Isarnia is definetely a great hero.

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I think that the simple answer to this has to be the ones I don’t have lol
People complain about both Leonidas and Thorne well I am happy to say I have both maxed out as I lvld what I had at the time and they serve very well.
Are they the ones I would choose over others now possibly not. But they are a massive step up to anyone who gets them and doesn’t want to sit waiting for the rare chance of a better hero. I only recently got joon to replace Leo and he is definitely a better hero to have.
Yes I do now after nearly a year playing have 5* hero’s spare sat on the bench waiting for the time or mats to lvl them are there some I will never lvl the answer probably yes. But not because they are bad hero’s more that I have to juggle them for all aspects of the game.


I have only 4 5*. In the order I got them:Horghall, Quintus, Justice, Arthur. I always figured that for my A team, I would eventually have all 5*, including 1 AoE guy. From the start I planned that to be Horghall because his attack is… solid, not great, but his attack debuff is very handy. Justice is nice and tanky but no real offense. And Quintus is just the opposite—all offense but knocked over by a feather. (Arthur is too recent to be part of this calculus.)

The problem then became ascension materials. I’m getting those much faster than I am 5* heroes, so I realized that in the time it took me to get another 5*, I could very likely get enough materials to support him. Also, given how rarely I get 5*, it made more sense for me to level what I had instead of waiting for something that may never come (I.e., a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush). What happens if it takes a year for me to get another yellow 5*? I’d feel pretty stupid if I had the materials to ascend a 5* but they sat there for a year because I refused to use them. Some people might fear the possibility of ascending a hero you don’t care too much about only to immediately get one that you do want but now you don’t have any materials, but that possibility is very remote as far as I can see and you have no control over it, so if it happens, it happens. Also, in the time it takes you to level that shiny new hero, you’ll be gathering ascension materials, and who knows, you might get enough by the time you need them.

So with that, Justice became my first tier 4 5*, followed a couple of weeks later by Quintus. And actually, I’m glad I did it that way. Justice sits on my defense team with a maxed Boril and just gets better and better. I have noticed a definite increase in my successful defense percentage in the meantime. And Quintus? He’s gotten a LOT tougher—he can take a few hits now that he couldn’t at 3-70, and his offense is off the charts. His special saves me a lot despite it being slow to fill. Horghall meantime sits waiting for more tonics and wondering why things just don’t seem to go his way.

And guess how many 5* yellow and purple I’ve gotten in the meantime?


Horghall’s debuff needs to get to 44% at 8/8 to match other 5* like Isarnia.

Right now his special is the same as 4* Skittleskull, which should never happen.


There’s two separate drivers at work here: the trickle of 5-star heroes, and the trickle of ascension items. Whenever there’s a mismatch of these two, you’ll find players choosing not to ascend 5-star hero(es).

A choice not to ascend a 5-star hero will likely be based on one or more of these three factors:
1 ) Presumed power of the hero
2 ) Role and usefulness in the current team composition
3 ) How much of an upgrade versus existing hero in that team

1 ) The answer for that can be found in 7DD’s excellent hero grading sheet.
2 ) Part of the answer is in 7DD’s hero grading sheet as well, and part depends on what the player has
3 ) Totally player specific

Currently for me, Leonidas looks to be going no further than 2/70, because I have Justice and Delilah who are first in line for the Orbs and darts. If I had neither of the two, I’d be ascending the bejeezus out of Leonidas.

Another hero that mightn’t see much ascension in my roster currently is Kadilen. Fast AoE sounds nice on paper but it’s a weak damage AoE. Also her other special is a def buff, which makes her a mixed bag. And I don’t like mixed bag heroes. I don’t have another green 5* yet, but even without one I’m considering holding back on letting her slip by 2/70.

As far as feeding 5*'s goes, before AW I might have considered that, but with AW NEVER, unless I get more than 7 5*'s of one colour, maybe and even then probably not. I do believe the Norse Gods each kill a horde of reindeer for every 5* that gets fed. Yes, that’s way beyond that monotheist kitten stuff.

I ascended Guarding Kong this morning. I could ascend Marjana, but I have already Nat and I would be constantly angry I didn’t take the other one to the fight, they are equally great under right circumstances. Besides Kong has neat animation and smacks those 8.7 mobs like a king! :wink:

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I have Magni fully ascended.

I have 7 scopes and Richard sitting at 3-70.

Do I ascend Richard, or try to get Alasie? I don’t spend a ton, I typically do one or two 10-pulls per month. I may try to do more for her but odds are I’ll miss out.

Richard is a solid tank and hero if you decide to ascend him. But since we are so close to the release of Alasie and you already have a maxed Magni, you can afford to wait to see if you get her or if she’s a good/meh hero.

Personally I love Mana control heroes. So I’m sure she’ll fit right in line with what I want and hope I get her.


Thorne was my first 5*, and my only blue 5*. He sits at 2/60 still, and will remain there unless he gets a proper buff. He has very poor tile damage and lackluster special and is no more than a sack of meat.

Leonidas and Elkanen are parked at 3/70. Leonidas because I have ordered a Joon from tc20, Elkanen because he just doesn’t cut it damage-wise. And I got Lianna from tc20.

save the hero fodder and the scopes. If you get Alasie, you can level her that much quicker and if not you can choose to go with Richard. I am going to try to get Alasie, as I see her better than Richard who won’t get scopes from me immediately.

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why wouldnt you want Marjana over Kong. Marj is huge on Titans. You can take 2 reds and Nat plus Marj are pure destruction.

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Kong has higher tile damage than Marjana.

I agree a dead Kong will do more damage than a dead Marjana. In every other instance Marj will do more damage. Its your game and if you are happy with the choice, that is fantastic. I just believe you would have enjoyed having both Marj and Nat more than Nat and Kong.

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Not in every instance, only to single target. Kong does 200% to all, that’s 1000% to five heroes. He’s more like mini Azlar. He lacks DoT but is faster so more likely to fire. I doubt I will use him offensively except in C/D team in AW, but on defense he’s underrated. On offense I pair Nat with BT, there is no space for third red. And if I wanted to tripple, Gormek or Kong are just as good, having enough red tiles is more important.

Of course I will take Marjana to 70 and use her as well.

He may take more health out of the enemy team in total, but the key to raids is to drill a hole in the opposing team so you can ghost. Kong’s damage takes 1 heal to repair. Focussed damage on a single hero still leaves it vulnerable after a heal. Similarly in boss fights in Events… you want your damage to be focussed… and similarly for Titans - 200% damage to ‘all’ will be considerably less damage than much higher damage to 1… although higher tile damage for Titans is useful.


Did you read the rest? I don’t plan to use him on offense so drilling holes is irrelevant. In AW you need those heals to counter revenge bar. Get hit by Kong and revenge bar and your whole team is in serious trouble.

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Wait you plan to use him on your defense team? I assume you dont use Nat there. Why wouldn’t you use Marj. She is one of the best reds on Defense. Unless you were going to take Azlar/Ares as a tank, no one is better.

LOL please tell you’re joking

You ascended the worst 5* red over one of the best



I decided not to ascend Azlar and wait until I get a better red 5*. Unfortunately, the other Reds in regular season aren’t that much better, so I’ll have to try my luck in Grimforest coming up, future Guardians and Wonderland events, or Atlantis (for Mitsuko or a revived HotM). Those have lower odds, so :woman_shrugging: but my TC20s are running and Marjana is at least slightly better. I don’t really have a sniper, so she’d at least fill that void somewhat.