Which 4*/ 3* Blue to Level next?

Hello, asking for help, yet again…

I need help on who to work with next!

For 4* Heroes: I have Kiril maxed, Grimm & Sonia (waiting for gloves to do last ascension for both), and a Boril- max.
I have a ton of new blues and I don’t know who to start on next!

  • Azemia
  • Jott
  • Linus
  • Frank
0 voters

For 3* Heroes: I have C. Ulmer, Yao, Jarod, Helo:
Who next?!?

  • Nordri
  • Joukahnien
  • Vodnik
  • Dawn
  • Jarvur
0 voters

Thanks for your help! :slightly_smiling_face:

been playing awhile and still use jott for red titans to buff tile damage

that being said, i’d have to look up the other options to be certain he’s worth prioritizing over the others but i do believe he’s worth levelling at some point whether it’s now or later

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for the 3*s: Nordri if you prioritize Titans (and don’t have another Blue elemental defense down like Frida). Dawn for overall general utility, those mana-cutting minions are amazing!


good call, i missed that one somehow

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There is no point working on more 4 star heroes if you already don´t have the mats to max the ones you already have half maxed.

So work on those 3 stars: Nordri absolutely by far the most useful hero. with his EDD to 3. I still use him on those 14star titans :smiley: But of course also for tourneys and events… So basically everywhere.
Dawn and Joukahainen are both extremely useful as well. All 3 are far more useful than another half upgraded 4 star.

Later you can think about 4 stars again. Jott and Frank are also both on my titan team. Azmia is a big upgrade to Boril. I don´t remember Linus, guess that means he wasn´t very impressive? I tend to remember at least the good ones…

@Gargon thank you so much for the insight! I really appreciate it. I’m so frustrated with mats right now. I have HUNDREDS of 3&4* mats, but absolutely ZERO of the Fine leather gloves which EVERY FREAKING HERO NEEDS! I’ve got like 15 shields, 18 of the armour vest thingies…

Any tips on gloves apart from spending real life $?

10 characters of patience.

Eventually, you’ll have 200 of them.


Aha! You would think having 2 kids 14 months apart would have given me more than the 5 characters of patience that they did! - but honestly, thank you. I keep hoping there is some ‘sneak’ such as, “aim for a B while fighting titans”.
Or something equally as ridiculous.


Actually the trick is get into an alliance with higher level titans and do at least 10% damage. I struggled to get gloves and compasses when I was in an alliance killing 5 star titans. Moved to a 10 star Titan alliance and even doing baby damage started getting a ton.

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Nothing specific for gloves all the 3 star mats are a problem early on and become more and more the longer you play.
Just generally improving your loot will improve your mats. That can be titans or events or whatever.

The best thing to do is maxing 3 star heroes, they cost no gloves at all and help you get better loot :slight_smile:

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I am in a good alliance where we regularly have strong titans. I have a ridiculous number of most of the mats, but I’m always out of leather gloves. 3* Battle manuals - 412, tome of tactics- 23, compasses- 48. Tall boots- 296, scabbards- 341, warm capes- 27, it goes on and on… But no damn leather gloves. Thank you for the tip on titans, etc. I’m sure the wars, etc are similar for placements.


Thanks! I have been paying much more attention to my 3* heroes. I was stopping leveling them when I would get a “better hero” of 4 or 5 stars. (now if they aren’t max, the 5* are stuck at 2/60 while I wait for gloves! And my 4* at 3/60).

So since they are stuck, it’s the perfect opportunity to level my babies! And when I get a fancy pair of fine leather gloves, I can resume that hero for a bit.

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