F2P, building up my team. I have somehow been blessed with an abundance of reds early on, I have more 4/5* reds than the other colors combined. Out of these, I use Tahir daily as my red sniper on my A team, looking for more strength down the line or for interchangeable parts. I do believe in having lots of healers, I have Sanngrior, two CBelith and Ana Belle high. I just got the mats to raise either Wilbur or BT. Where should I place my focus?
Follow up noob question about Wilbur: If I hit with Tibs and Wilbur back to back, does their DD add, or does the second one wash out the first? And does DD mean I have a better chance for Tahir to hit, or Tahir hits for more damage??
First of all: Finish what you have started: Right now that is Tahir, Lemminkainen, Nashgar (LB + Costume!), Hawkmoon and her costume (much better than the original) and Waqas.
I would do BT before Wilbur as BT is a perfect allrounder, there isn´t a team that doesn´t benefit from him. Wilbur is a bit more situational, of course a must have for 4 and 5 star events. The costume is perfect for all titans.
If that is your entire red roster, you definitely need to work on your 3 star heroes and Sudri is another outstanding one (highest damage potential of all 3star heroes I think). Further down the list I am assuming will be more good 3star heroes.
You definitely won´t need 3 Scarletts. Most heroes are neough if you have them once, BT might be worth a copy, but you´ll get more of him later on anyway, so it´s not necessary to keep a copy unless you want to level him up soon.
I’m also in favor of finishing off the ones in the works, then follow up with BT.
Maybe it’s because I pulled him late or maybe because I’ve never had enough emblems, but I don’t particularly like Wilbur in most instances. I have him fully ascended (no emblems) and I never use him.
I see you have costume for Wilbur, cause he will be so useful everywhere (events and like every single titan) I’d recommend Wilbur first, but boldtusk is a definite must as well.