Where should i spend gems if I want to do 10x hero call: Atlantis or next Event which is Guardians of Teltoc?
Atlantis is most likely to give you something interesting. Guardians is most likely to make you master of titans … or at least master of one colour of titan lol. I would sugest Atlantis is better, but both are good
This sort of depends on what you already have. I’m going to assume you have no atlantis heroes or challenge heroes.
Unless the featured HOTM in Atlantis is Gravemaker or Hel, I’d go for Teltoc, especially if Atomos is one of the Atlantis heroes. Guardian Jackal, Falcon, and Panther are extremely good.
Falcon, Jackal and Panther are uniquely talented heroes. Being a “master of titans” is essential in this game, because titans are where you’ll get half of your rare mats (if you are hitting high-level titans effectively). These three heroes are a path to success.
Also, your odds of getting Jackal or Falcon are pretty good. They are the only event 4*. There are some top-shelf Atlantis 4*, but also some weaklings.
Teltoc’s drawback is that both Owl and Kong are low on most people’s list of quality 5*.
I would try a little bit of both !!
It depends where you are in terms of building your roster. Are you looking for a solid set of heroes that you are able to complete the Rare challenge quest that provide guaranteed ascension mats? If so, Atlantis is your best bet to obtain some of the best 4* heroes in the game (Wilbur & Proteus) which will make your life with challenges a lot easier. Don’t forget that if you are doing a 10 pull you will have one chesty with an ascension mat.
Alternatively is your focus on getting mega hits on titans to improve your loot tier? If so Guardians will give you a good chance are drawing Falcon and Jackal. Do note that if you draw in March’s Atlantis, you will of course also have the chance to draw Frida which is also huge against titans.
Wilbur & Proteus are available every month though. Falcon and Jackal are available once every 5 months. Jackal especially being one of the few very fast heroes out there makes waiting on Atlantis for Wilbur & Proteus a good idea and going with the Event Summons this month.
Guardians is cheaper, and with the odds that you will land a unique 4 star, they are far better. Yes, you could get Proteus or Wilbur. But you’ll probably get Gobbler. The biggest issue with Atlantis 4 stars is that too many of them have super gimmicky specials. If you’re newish, stick to what works, get Jackel or Falcon and go whoop some titans for a while.
I’m in a similar boat myself. Teltoc is the safer bet since Falcon and Jackal are decent odds, whereas Atlantis has the bigger jackpot as it were. I’d save the 10 pull for Teltoc but make one or two pulls on Atlantis, preferably with coins if you can. You probably won’t get anything good, but you might strike gold.
I based my math on memory and the odds off Grimforest, so consider my numbers rather fuzzy, but you’ll probably get either Jackal or Falcon in 20 pulls whereas getting something amazing like Tarlak would take on average over 450, somewhat less if they’re a featured hero but even those are 2.5% spread out over 4 featured. Unless you’re prepared to spend a lot of money, Atlantis isn’t likely to get you something good.
I would do guardians - the two 4* elemental defense down heroes are huge for not only titans, but events. My 4.70.9 Jackal has 810 attack! He’s wrecking sh*t and can now actually (BARELY) take a Lianna kill shot and (barely) survive.
Gravemaker and alasie are due for a comeback as the throwback hotms in Atlantis, I have a working theory that they are going to stick at least one of them in the next 2 months with atomos/ posideon . If you dont have frida, who is somewhat like gp and the heros are decent I’d lean towards this Atlantis, also because at least seemingly the new hotm doesnt seem like a must get.
However if the heros arent great this Atlantis id pull on guardians, chances are that you’ll get some amazing 4*s
Also something to consider. Knights event is in may for a chance at Arthur and guin and an unknown green hotm.
If you don’t have Jackal and/or Falcon then Guardians is the way to go.
When is Guardians expected? I’m in similar boat. Have enough for 3 10x pulls in either. Thinking of one Atlantis and 2 Guardians but I’m impatient. I can easily see myself blowing all on Atlantis if GofT is still weeks away and I don’t strike gold.
The green hotm is Margaret, formerly Elinor. She’s a green elderly hero that had a dodge special. Her info is available in other threads as well as Anzogh(April red hotm). Ranvir is after Margaret and is described as a 5* Wu. Again stats are available in other threads.
I’m going for guardians meself, because I’d like to at least get Jackal (need another yellow hitter).
Atlantis I’m gonna just spend some coins on. Remember that hard mode gives coins too, so it’s worth completing as many levels as possible before the portal rolls along.
There’s always the next summon round too. The story will all be available by then meaning you can save the season 2 completion bonus if featured heroes in the portal don’t tickle your fancy.
I’m going for Guardians - Jackal and Falcon are my realistic targets, Panther the unrealistic one.
Regarding to Atlantis, I have some coins, but I’ll only summon something if there’s some outstanding hero featured (and I’ve already got Ariel).
if you don’t have both falcon and jackal, do teltoc. Those heroes are easier to max and can make a big difference in both titans (both), raids (jackal), and event scoring (both).
Hard decision for me as well. I guess it depends on what are the featured heroes.
I was lucky to pull Frida during Fables, so don’t really want a dupe of her. Ariel is the reason you want to pull for Atlantis if she’s coming back but… I pulled her already last month. Neither Poseidon nor Atomos look favorable to me. So it’s all about the returning HotMs for me. I’d welcome Gravemaker, Drake Fong, perhaps Hel.
I already have Jackal and Falcon, but I miss only Panther for the -elemental collection. Plus I can have a shot at the April HotM (for unspecified future use). So it’s Guardians for me.
Awesome thanks alot!
I’m curious as to what you find unfavorable about Poseidon. From my perspective, he has every indication of being a top-flight yellow sniper, and is the only yellow in the Atlantis family. He’s on my “really want” list, alongside Ariel.