63 World energy, got 1 meteor fragment, would say not good returns. Someone have a better spot? For S1 7-4
Any secrets to finding more, other than the provinces in the game? I use super mana potions in every titan attack so I’m always making them, and I always try and keep midnight roots stocked because I’ve been out of them a couple times… so after like 2 straight years of making super mana potions on a constant basis, being sure to keep midnight roots stocked, I was all of the sudden out of meteor fragments. I was shocked, I literally never even took a glance over (I must’ve assumed it was something I had thousands of on a constant basis like so many other materials). I actually now think back and wonder how many I must’ve had to have made these 10-20 at a time, always maintaining 50+ potions, for 2 years, and never running out until now. I must’ve had a stockpile of 2k+.
But the party’s over and it’s seriously interrupting my routine/flow with Titans. Over the last 2 weeks I’ve only managed to get 10. I actually haven’t checked yet, but is this something that can be made in a lab or something? Sorry for the long drawn out post, just venting. Any suggestions other than the obvious? Thank you.
Yes you can produce some at the Alchemy Lab. but result is not guaranteed (although for me it’s either meteor frag or nugget) and it is slow.
Im not getting a few select items as often either. Oricalum crystal and titan hearts ar both in short supply
I’m jealous! I must’ve been in the same boat, never paid attention. I hoarded super mana potions and when you use them like candy for at least a year and a half straight
I’ve got thousands of these also so don’t really farm for them but if you click on the item in question it will tell you that there are increased chances to find it in the following places:
S2 - Provinces 11, 16 & 22
S3 - Provinces 21, 26 & 32
S4 - Provinces 15, 22 & 33
S5 - Provinces 13, 21 & 30
UT1 - Chapter 2
As sunken riches is running at the moment I would suggest farming in Untold Tales, chapter 2 as much as possible until it ends.
And don’t forget, the items tell you where the increased chances are to find them these days. Either click on it in your inventory or, if you have none, go to create the item in your forge (Super Mana potions in this case). When you click “craft” it will show you the materials required. Click on the required material there and it will give you an info box which will tell you the above information. This works for the majority of farmable materials (if not all) in the game.
Game Well
Thank you!!