March 5, 2020, 1:40am
I cant seem to remember. was there an announcement I missed that there will be no more easy reset tokens? or it is a very unlucky streak without tokens? or is it a silent nerf?
come to think of it, dont remember getting one in war and elemental chests in a long while either…
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March 5, 2020, 1:47am
Theres an entire thread on it. There should be a total of 3 in the current cycle of Trials (4/10 been so far).
Dear Friends,
This thread keeps track of the reset emblem drop frequency in trial quests. Remember, if one player gets it everyone will get it, provided you finish all three stages of the trials (similar to the Epic Troop Token drop in Find Recruits II quest).
Hopefully, this thread will also give some incentive to many players who might think that carpet bombing might not be worth it with weaker teams (though imho it is always worth it for the emblems alone).
As for elemental chests, I don’t think they EVER were a reward in them…
INTRODUCTION: Hello Guys, I have been interested in quantifying the average of obtained items in elemental chests (and chests in general, just look at this thread: ).
That has been done with data that only belongs to my chests, but now the main idea is to expand for all the users and get a bigger dataset to play with. So, if you wanna help in this project, I wanna receive data from ELEMENTAL CHESTS, STARTING FROM SE…
Tournaments still drop them at the same odds.
Wars victory gives such terrible loot there isn’t really any point in counting on them giving you anything lol…
War chests I’m not sure they have been an item in them either but I don’t know that one for sure.
March 5, 2020, 6:14pm
definitely had them. I got my first two, other than give-aways, in war chests. thanks for the thread. I guess a long stretch with no tokens.
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March 5, 2020, 6:17pm
War chests drop them fairly frequently. I have 16 of the suckers between war-chests, gifts, and trials. And I don’t finish the Wizard/Sorcerer trial.