When to level a 5*

My farms are:
2 lvl 17s
1 lvl 16
3 lvl 15s
2 lvl 14s

My tower is lvl 14 with 105% production increase. I’m not in a rush to get to TC20 because I’m happy with the 5* I have so far: Telly, Tyr, Malosi, Clarissa, Isarnia, Marjana.

I run TC11s usually, but when I have a project and when I have backpacks, I run color specific Common and Uncommon ones. Right now, I’m working on BT, and I farmed a lot of backpacks from Atlantis, so I have 2 TCs running red ones. Once BT and his costume are done, I’ll switch to green.

Unless I’m ascending several heroes in a short time, I usually have more food than I know what to do with. I usually end up getting mana pots for Wu Kong (he goes in every 4+1 Titan Hunt team)

I will ascend Hildi once Caedmon is maxed. Love her as a bodyguard for the fragiles and averages (she’s Grimm’s BFF in raids).

Color-specific training is very bad, because it consumes both sword and backpack. Better to train Common and Uncommon without color restriction)


So , if you mange to store your excess of food you may start leveling your Clarissa . You can do It slowly without rushing her while your finish your other options .
Its not the ideal way but if you can turn your excess of food into exp for Clarissa is a good plan

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I do not have her, but my GF have 5 Brynhilds)) One on 4th ascension and 4 unleveled) But we really needs only two)

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I doubt we’ll ever get to top 100, we are too chill for that. We have a lot of f2p players at early levels, and we have relatively few active members on chat. If you’re having fun and contributing, we don’t hassle you. We hunt 6*-8* titans, depending on who is active, so not too ambitious.

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I’ll keep that in mind, so just TC2, then?

I will do that. Once Burt is Maxed, I’ll start on Clarissa. I’m guessing since I buy mats offers quite often, I may come across those tabard in a few months.

I love her, the only reason Caedmon was first is because I already have 2 excellent healers - Dr, Dapper and Big Red (BT), and I am short on snipers (only have Grimm so far). But a fast healer, with good mana gen boost, superb special defence, and buff immunity for nearby allies?! I put my key players around her.

Don’t think there’s any hard and fast rule, but I’ll share my perspective as a p2w player of 3.5 months: (note the p2w part)

  • Built up first rainbow team of 4* to 3/60 and hit mat wall
  • While waiting for 3* mats, built up several rainbow teams of 3* (great for tourneys and for war cleanup) and continued with 4*s to 3/60
  • Slowly leveled 4* to 4/70 one at a time as the 3* mats trickled in, while continuing to build up my 3* and 4* bench
  • Leveled Telluria and Ursena to 2/60 when I pulled them in March since they were just too good to let sit at 1/1. By this point I think I had my first rainbow 4/70 4* team
  • Built my second 4/70 rainbow team, while continuing to work on getting more 4* to 3/60 and finalizing my 3* roster

I had absolutely rotten luck when I first started playing 3.5 months ago, and couldn’t pull any 5* for the life of me. This turned out to be a blessing however, since it meant I didn’t get distracted by the shiny new 5* and had to work on my 4* and 3* bench.

The idea is to slowly build up a good 4* roster so you can start finishing those rare quests for the guaranteed mats ASAP. I think by week 3 I was able to finish the second last stage of the rare quests, and being able to have a guaranteed 3* mat once every week really helped progression. The 3* you level are not wasted since you need them for the rare tier of the monthly challenge events. The completion rewards even for the rare tier are very lucrative and always include a guaranteed 3* mat, which is why I focused on building a 3* roster while waiting to have enough mats to get my 4* to 4/70. Additionally, you will have to build roster depth at some point if you want to finish the class quests for those emblems, and this is something I’m still working on.

A good 4* team will allow you to do everything in the game, including finishing the legendary tier of events. They also only cost half as much mats compared to 5*, and level much faster while requiring less ham.

For reference and with a few exceptions, most 5* at 3/70 have about 93% the stats of a 4* at 4/70, so they’re still a bit weaker, but they’ll have costed you more than 2x the amount of resources to level. Plus you can throw emblems on the 4* to make them even stronger and make them “pseudo 5*” to help you win even more events/quests.

Anyway, I guess the tl;dr answer is, forget about 5* for now, focus on building at least two rainbow teams of maxed 4*, or at the very least, “enough” maxed 4*s that you can start finishing everything in the game. By everything, I mean the last stages of the rare quests and the legendary tier of challenge events. The class quests you’ll need time to level up suitable heroes, but definitely try to finish the final stage if a reset emblem is involved.

And just for your benefit, I have 12 maxed 4*, 1 at 4/52, another 11 at or very close to 3/60, 23 maxed 3*, and I’m still struggling to get even ONE 5* (Telluria) to 4/80 lol. Granted she wasn’t the focus of my efforts, but I think this highlights just how long of a journey it can be to max a 5*.


As someone pointed out, color specific training is absolutely terrible in terms of resource efficiency (one of the worst in fact), and you’re much better off just running TC2 nonstop.

I never even bothered researching the color specific trainings since they just seemed so bad, and my TC2s have never failed me. Yes it does sometimes mean I get stuck with 40 off color feeders without any particular hero to feed to, but now I’ve learned to only start collecting from my TCs if I actually have an active ongoing project.

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I can finish the rare quests with no problem, I made it a point to have at least 3 Epic/Legendary heroes of every color at 3.60/2.60 while waiting for mats, so I can color-stack 3-2. In events, I have only finished the last one with Rare so far (Bane, Balltaser, Bjorn, Valen, Berden, Hawkmoon, Kailani), I’ll try to take on the Epic in the next one. Class ones require level 30, and I’m still 28, but I get the first two with no issues.
My 5* I jumped on early were Tyr and Telluria, and honestly, I don’t regret ascending them to tier 3 because I will max them sooner or later, and I didn’t have BT, Caedmon or Brynhild at the moment. Some of my first 5* (Horghall and Justice) will probably never get leveled, so they sit at 1.1. I don’t even know if I’ll need them for anything later or if I should feed them.

I’m weirdo in this regard, I maxed my first batch of 5* heroes after the first anniversary to this game :rofl: as a vc2p it took me sometime to collect enough materials to ascend the first batch same time.

today about 20 months I have 10 maxed 5* in total 55 of heroes that ascend above gloves and compass tier.

I didn’t rush and kinda waiting “the right heroes” to ascend.

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My experience was I rushed into leveling 5* as soon as I got some. I pulled Aeron after two months playing and immediately started on him, not realizing just how long it would take. Then three months later I had two more 5* and started on them too. I wasn’t on the forums back then and didn’t know any better.

But that decision delayed me in leveling a strong bench for wars and quests for months. In a sense I am still playing catch-up with my 4* bench strength after 26 months of playing.

I’m casual vc2p btw. I do play daily - two chests per day, sometimes three.

4* really are the core of your bench if you are not p2w, and I advise working on that first before 5* heroes. 4* increase your access to mats through challenge events and tournaments and wars and titans. Then you can start on the 5* and get them maxed. For the most part I find 3-70 5* to be squishy, and there are many 4* who are better when maxed.

I find the most use for 4* healers and dispellers now – and the Pulverizers for def down. As vc2p 5* healers are a rare commodity.


I’m (almost) F2P (only spent 6 EUR ever in 18 months, not gonna spend any more), and I believe the answer is “it depends”. If you DO have the mats to ascend a 5*, and you do NOT have any 4s to work on… and you’re F2P and don’t pull often… why not go ahead and start on that 5?

My ascension of 5s followed a natural progression. I naturally ascended and maxed two or three 4s of each color before I ascended my first 5*s, simply of the heroes and materials I did get.

Some exceptions occurred, of course.

TLDR for memory lane details…


For Purple, I ascended Proteus and Sabina, then only had dupe Proteus and Sabina to work on. So when I pulled Seshat, and found I had enough trap tools and tabards saved up to ascend her, I went the whole hog because I knew she would improve my bench by adding an offensive Purple. (I already had Aeron, but parked him at 3/70 because I already had Sabina s a healer).

For Yellow, I had Li Xiu and Chao maxed, and no other Yellow 4*s at all (not even Hu Tao or Wu Kong). So when I pulled Inari, I fast-forwarded her too.

For Red, I only pulled my first 5* (Marjana) five months ago. By then I had already ascended 6 unique Red 4*s.

For Blue, I had Kiril, Triton, and Sonya all maxed. Then when I got my 6th Scope, I had Aegir and Lepus waiting, with Grimm being leveled. I finished Grimm off first before starting on Lepus.

and Green was the weirdest. I had Jack O’Hare, Skittleskull and Gadeirus maxed. Then I got Melendor and Margaret within days of each other… so I went Melendor first, because I really needed a Green healer/dispeller. Margaret only followed after that, as I had absolutely no other Greens in queue (except Kashhrek, but I was past needing him then). Caedmon and Little John wouldn’t show up for another couple months.

Summary: it depends. For a non-spender, even 4s may be quite rare (even when I had 3 TC20s running!). So if the mats are there, and there are enough 4s in a given color, why not work on the 5*?

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I pulled Azlar very early in the game. He served me well at 2.60 for my level and then was great for me at 3.70 for a long time.

So I don’t agree at all with the advice that you have to have gobs of 3 and 4-star teams fully maxed before you start on a 5-star.


and costumed rigard is better than kunchen :slight_smile:


At some degree. But Kunchen do not overlap other HoT, so in this cases, Kunchen is better.

On Titan I would take both.

There is no way to generalize which heroes to level and when. It all comes down to personal preference. Are you looking to improve your defense, do you need more depth fir your war teams, are you looking to finish the next challenge on legendary level? All of this impacts your decision.

There are 2 choke points in this game. Materials and Heroes. A good hero sitting unleveled to save mats for when you get a better hero is just as much of a waste as a great hero sitting unleveled because you don’t have the mats. My advise is to learn the heroes you have, figure out which ones are going to help you improve the areas you need. Then level those heroes asap.

I maxed my anzogh as soon as I could. He was my only 5 at the time. Everyone said he wasn’t a great hero but he improved my def and war capabilities so i did it anyways. A year later he is still my only red 5. Don’t regret it one bit.

Stop trying to find a rule on when to level heroes. Stop waiting for the perfect hero. Spend your time figuring out which hero will improve your game. Then level those heroes. Don’t worry about what might happen in the future. The game is more enjoyable if you are improving now rather than waiting for later.

I feel like I have good 5* heroes: Telluria, Isarnia, Marjana, Tyr, Clarissa, Malosi. The two medicre ones (Justice and Horghall) I’m not even sure if I need for anything later.

I have some of the 4* you mentioned: working on Wu, have Kiril at 3.60, Boldtusk at 4.54, Rigard’s Costume is maxed, Grimm +6, Tiburtus 4.34, Melendor is 1.1 for now, Mist +7. Also ascended Caedmon and thinking of ascending Viking Sonya once I get 2 more capes.

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