WHEN SUDDENLY...! Add the Next Line - A story written by Our Community 📖

“Bravo! You saved us from a Tom Cruise related death!” exclaimed @Dr-Zoidberg from his position on the floor.

“I did?” said Proteus, as he peered out from behind his hanky blindfold.

“You did indeed! Apparently, us unwanted seafood” @Dr-Zoidberg gestured vaguely in the direction of the TARDIS and contrite chosen ones, “Saved the world, for now at any rate. And yes, you did all the work, but I was here in briny spirit.”

“Hmmm…I think you’re right, you pickled clam. I did save everyone, and yet I wasn’t invited aboard that Police Box time travel thing-a-majig. I might just undo my special and flatten the world!”

Proteus’ eyes lit up in manic anticipation of his ultimate revenge on being left behind, when suddenly…


Proteus sneezed.

It was so powerful that the meteor started revving its engines. Oh no!

“Are you allergic to seafood?” asked @Dr-Zoidberg. “I find that ironic.”

Hu Tao squinted at the giant space rock. It was twitching, unsure of its direction.

“Go, go, go!” @nevarmaor dove back into the TARDIS.

But the TARDIS was napping. All the time travel, space travel, last-minute rescue missions? That was exhausting work.

No thank you.

The Doctor sighed. “Dear Proteus old chap. Do you want to save us again?”


“Eh? Seriously?!” asked Proteus incredulously "I’ve just done it once and I’m not doing it again!. “He” Proteus pointed at @Dr-Zoidberg “is a much use as a chocolate teacup.” Incandescent with rage, he turned towards the TARDIS “The Doctor there does nothing but pass the blame and @nevarmaor seems intent on saving his own skin!”

“Well who’s skin should I be saving then?” came a question from inside the TARDIS

“YOU LOT ARE RUBBISH!” thundered a voice as yet unnamed in this meandering nonsense. “That one’s
drunk, that one’s hiding in a Police Box, the two remaining heros are of indifferent use and @akionna seems not to have annoyed anyone yet. Just what on Earth is going on here…”


It was Minerva McGonagall from the Harry Potter world!

(note: @Dr-Zoidberg’s line seems like it would fit her very well :slight_smile: )

“Really, I know you lot are Muggles, but it cannot be that difficult to stop an aging-actor-transfigured-into-a-meteor!”

The meteor began to shake. “Who are you calling an aging actor?!”

“Oh, shut up!” @sleepyhead stood up, brushing himself off, and glaring angrily at Leeloo, AJ and Hu Tao, who had been sitting on him after the group tumbled from the TARDIS. Sleepyhead shoved AJ out of the way (though he made sure to shove AJ by pushing him in the midsection… mmm… nice toned abs!)

“I suddenly feel violated…” AJ muttered.

Sleepyhead ran to Proteus. “Proteus, I love you! Twice! And I fought to have you along. So did HU Tao, by the way.” Behind Sleepyhead, Hu Tao waved at Proteus.

Sleepyhead continued. “But you know what, they said I shouldn’t rely on you too much. But you also know what? There are some problems only YOU can solve!”

“I can transfigure that meteor into a lump of coal…” Minerva McGonagall began.

Sleepyhead rounded on her. “But not with the flair and pizzazz that Proteus can!”

Proteus dabbed at his eyes with his handkerchief. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a while! I’ll do it!”

Proteus began to cast his special on the Tom Cruise meteor…


… just as Professor McGonagall waved her wand.

Hu Tao wondered about chocolate tea cups and accidentally cast his special.

On everyone.

Proteus missed. So did McGonagall. Instead …


… they both hit @Dr-Zoidberg !

“I feel funny…” said everyone’s favorite educated lobster. He looked down. “So this is what poison feels like. And as for mana, suddenly I have no energy…”

Minerva McGonagall raised her arm again. “We have to leave immediately.”

“Why?” @akionna asked.

“Because my spell was meant to work on inanimate objects…”

“I can move!” snapped the Tom-Cruise meteor.

“Shut up!” yelled @sleepyhead .

“And when used on living beings, it…”

@Dr-Zoidberg suddenly fell down and…

… replicated into 100000 Dr. Zoidbergs!!!


“Good grief!” @nevarmaor shuddered. “So many crustaceans!”

“So many calories!” @sleepyhead backed away.

“We are not food!” shouted the many Dr. Zoidbergs. “Whoop, whoop!”

Then all 100,000 Dr. Zoidbergs turned as one, running toward the blue police box.

“Ah, hell no!” @nevarmaor kicked the TARDIS. “Wake up, you useless piece of–”

Frying pans zoomed toward @nevarmaor. He froze on that last unspoken word, cast iron pans just one inch from his eyeballs.

“Can’t you undo your spell?” Hu Tao sipped a mango smoothie. All that impromptu singing made his throat dry.

“Or just cast a different spell.” Proteus waved his hanky. “Using math.”

“What math?” McGonagall sputtered. “These are complicated spells of made up Latin words with at least 14 syllables!”

“You multiplied by 100,000.” Proteus shrugged. “Just divide by it.”

“Do you need a calculator?” The original @Dr-Zoidberg paused mid-stampede to the TARDIS. “Will that help?”


@akionna @nevarmaor @amrath @sft1965 @sleepyhead all groaned at @Dr-Zoidberg 's question . “Aw, I hate doing math…”

But @CaptainjaKCsparrow 's eyes lit up. “Numbers? Yes! Give em to me!”


“Here you go.” Proteus gave @CaptainjaKCsparrow scratch paper and a pencil.

“And the calculator.” @Dr-Zoidberg dropped a huge object on the ground:

“You’re going to write a spell with that?” McGonagall gasped. “What kind of muggle are you?”


“Someone who knows how to turn data into a story!” @CaptainjaKCsparrow grinned. He began to set up his data set…


“… let’s see, 20, multiply by this factor, 200, carry the three …”

“Ok, everyone over here, hurry!” @CaptainjaKCsparrow indicated a spot that was exactly 200 metres from the tardis. “All except the Doctor and @nevarmaor. You two need to be in the tardis for this to work.”

Everyone looked skeptically at @CaptainjaKCsparrow. “Well, come on people, let’s move it, move it, move it! That meteor is not waiting for you to take your time here!”

All the assembled looked at each other, then shrugged and moved into position. @nevarmaor and The Doctor stood in the Tardis doorway. “Hey Tardis, are you with us?” whispered @nevarmaor anxiously. “Sorry about the caustic comments earlier.”

“Ok” said @CaptainjaKCsparrow, handing a sheet of paper to McGonagall. “When I give you the word, say this loudly three times.”

“What poppycock is this? It’s nothing more than my last spell backwards.”

“Just do it! The math works out.”

“Proteus!” he called out. “Keep the zoidbergs in one group!”

The tometeor continued looming overhead, getting bigger and bigger, like an inflated ego.

“We have to time this just right. Everyone ready?”

“Umm, sure.”
“Yeah, what?”
“Sorry, wasn’t listening.”

“On my mark, McGonagall read your spell. Remember THREE times. Everyone else jump up as high as you can. Doctor, get the Tardis to do a triple somersault and at the end, toss out @nevarmaor.”

“Wait, what?” @nevarmaor complained, starting to exit the Tardis.

“GO! NOW!”

Everyone jumped as high as they could. McGonagall read the spell three times, as everyone seemed to be suspended at the top of their jump. The Tardis leaped high and somersaulted three times.

Once McGonagall finished her spell, the suspended throng (well, all 21 of them) plummeted to the earth, causing a shockwave. The 100,000 zoidbergs all imploded in on each other (except for one, that @nevarmaor landed on after being flung from the Tardis). 99,999 zoidbergs fused into a giant steaming glob of chowder and the shockwave launched the glob straight up at the tometeor.

Everyone watched in fascination as the two came closer and closer together. What would happen next? Well, everyone except @nevarmaor and @Dr-Zoidberg who were trying to untangle themselves. “Get off me, you deca-limbed groper!” “I’m a Doctor, not an air bag!”

There was a loud, ear-piercing scream from above. “Agggh, Xenu!”


The explosion was messy. And smelly.

Bits of Tometeor and chowder glob rained down on everyone.


“Tada!” @CaptainjaKCsparrow beamed. “That’s how math works!”

Everyone whistled and clapped. The cheering continued, on and on.

Even when the TARDIS did another triple somersault. Even when @Dr-Zoidberg launched @nevarmaor onto Hu Tao. Even when @sleepyhead


Even when @sleepyhead was disgusted by all the mess and smell around him. He was so nauseated he badly needed something to cover his nose to stop sensing that icky gooey whatever that is smell.

Seeing his discomfort, Proteus handed him a piece of cloth which @sleepyhead quickly tied around his nose. Barely was he done tying it… he immediately took it off and screamed “Holy ***… what in the name of… what is this piece of cloth… why does it smell like that??”

“No no… not ‘holy’… it’s ‘fire’…”


“That’s your dear JF’s handkerchief…” replied Proteus

“You mean the one that practically every character in the story so far sneezed into, wiped their face with etc…?” asked @nevarmaor

“Yes yes. That one. Why? Is something wrong?” asked an innocent Proteus with his fin ear pointing up. (He almost looks like a cute dog when he does that.)

Just then…


… a strange chemical reaction happened.

See, Sleepyhead chose all of his harem members for a reason. They were all attractive (ok, HOT) men… but that wasn’t the only criteria (else the likes of Hansel, or swoon-worthy baby-faced Alberich, would also be there). but neither Hansel nor Alby were Sleepyhead’s type, not really.

No, Sleepyhead also chose his harem members for their raw passionate connection. And said connections came in different ways.

For Sir Lancelot, it was their common flirty, cavalier personality and sexy confidence.

For Bane, it was their shared fighting spirit and focus on their upper bodies (leg day is for wimps, they would laugh together!)

For Joon, it was their spiritual appreciation of light - they loved watching sunsets together while meditating. […], of course, but that was just to be one with nature better, wink wink.

And for Jean-Francois, it was their shared love of perfumes and musks… especially after they discovered they had very similar natural manly scents.

But this handkerchief had been used and abused by nearly every character in the story…

… meaning that Jean-Francois’ scent was gone.

And for Sleepyhead, that meant a part of him was gone.

And that was a recipe for disaster.

Sleepyhead dropped the handkerchief. His hands trembled.

Then he tapped into a part of him that he had never accessed before…

… and transformed in a halo of light!


“So the legend is true!” gasped @akionna, “the story of the super-legendary-6* hero!”

“A 6* hero??” exclaimed @nevarmaor, “How do I summon him?” he said wading through his inventory taking stock of all the pulls he has saved up.

Super-Legendary-@sleepyhead pointed his finger at @nevarmaor’s phone and gave a mischievous wink.

And poof!

The phone vanished from @nevarmaor’s hands and appeared in S-L-S’s hand!

Just then…


Sorry but consider me slow. Who is this


@sft1965 i think it’s me. Super Legendary Sleepyhead!

I had to think a bit before figuring it out too lol


Jean Francios shimmered into the scene.

“Dear @sleepyhead.” JF smiled slowly. “I have a gift for you.”

“Wait, wait!” @CaptainjaKCsparrow raised his hand. “No Speedos right?”

“My eyes!” @nevarmaor covered his face.

“Why is he so dramatic?” Proteus wondered out loud.

“Because Super Legendary @sleepyhead is about to cast his special!” Hu Tao pointed.

@sleepyhead waved @nevarmaor’s phone and …


raises frying pan :wink:


… the magical frying pan released by Rook smashed into @nevarmaor 's phone!

“Is that @sleepyhead 's special?” Proteus yelped.

“No, it’s a moderator’s special!” Hu Tao gasped. “Sleepyhead has been blocked!”

Jean-Francois held his hand to his forehead. “Oh, my big strong man Sleepyhead!”

Sleepyhead grit his teeth. No way someone was going to make him look bad in front of one of his men! He focused his energy, and aimed…