WHEN SUDDENLY...! Add the Next Line - A story written by Our Community đź“–

Richard and Joon leapt forward. Joon hit the Arch Enemy with his powerful special and blinded it.
The Arch Enemy tried hitting Richard and missed by a good margin. Seizing this opportunity, Richard was about to attack Arch Enemy head on when Jack Sparrow interrupted him

“You do realize I had to call you because the previous batch of heroes has been taken down by that creature…?” remarked Jack Sparrow with the trademark smirk on his face and his finger pointing at Richard.

Richard put on a confused look. “I thought you said they were just sleeping”.

“Ahaaa… but I never said they didn’t fight.” said Jack Sparrow in his usual style.

“You mean to say that creature took down so many heroes? Even the Atlantis ones… all by itself??” asked Dapper Rigard looking concerned, “Was @sleepyhead hurt?”

“I’ll kill that creature!!” - suddenly JF’s demeanour changed! He was no longer sobbing.
And it wasn’t just JF… every Y chromosome of the S1 party was visibly livid!

On the other hand, the creature was quickly charging its mana, getting ready to unleash its special.

Noticing this, Jack Sparrow said, “Folks folks… you’ve got to listen to me. That creature’s special is quite dangerous. Once it unleashes its special, a lot of you people will switch sides and eventually, all of you fight amongst yourselves. That’s how your Atlantis friends passed out… by fighting.”

“Oh ****! That creature’s mana bar is almost full. What do we do?? Even proteus is not awake to help us.” exclaimed Gregorian.

“Focus, Gregorian!” snapped Lance. (Gregorian was a bit hurt by the choice of the word Focus)

“It’s a good thing I brought a trustworthy friend from back home.” added Lancelot with a mischievous grin.

He bent down and a mysterious hooded figure jumped over him and on to his hands. Then Lance used his hands to boost the mysterious man into air - providing him the much required mana boost. Suddenly, there was lightning in the sky and in that flash of light, the face of the mysterious figure was revealed.

The familiar moustache and the two orbs of magic in his hand - it was Merlin!

Thanks to Lance’s boost, he was ready with his special. He shot the mindless attack special on the creature just in time.

The Arch Enemy hit itself and lost all its Mana. It fell down on the ground still weak from the impact.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Isn’t this what you wanted? Go attack him now.” Captain Jack Sparrow shouted at everyone “Hit it till its mana is full so that it keeps hitting itself. Lance you keep boosting Merlin”

“Well, now ladies…” Captain Jack Sparrow looked at the S1 ladies having pop corn…“I’ve got a ship full of gold and rum. Who wants to join me?”

He approached Scarlett first and leaned forward. The rogue that she is, she dodged his attack and hit him back with her special.

He went to Layla. He wasn’t aware that she too was a rogue. Same thing happened. She dodged, he got poisoned.

He then approached Inari, “Hey there foxy lady!” - She dodged him, and gave the dodge ability to all ladies now.

“What is wrong with you all? Don’t any of you know anything except dodge?”

Then he went near the cute looking magitech sniper. Domitia didn’t flinch. She let him come closer. Captain Jack Sparrow closed him eyes and leaned forward. He kept leaning forward and was surprised that he wasn’t pushed back or hit by anyone.
Now he is leaning so forward that any further and he might lose his balance. Did Domitia leave the place? He slowly opened his eyes. He was staring right into… a smiling - yet somehow creepy - face of Margaret!

Jack Sparrow is no longer drunk. He can’t be. He is too scared to even think what would happen if his body leans even an inch forward.
“Aren’t …you… going … to… dodge”, said Captain Jack Sparrow slowly… afraid to even speak loudly…

“It’s okay, Jack Sparrow.” said Margaret, “I don’t mind getting playful once in a while. And definitely wouldn’t mind it if its with a young handsome stud like you.”

“But… I do…” said Jack Sparrow slowly and carefully tip toeing backwards.

“Alright! we are done with that creature! Great job everyone!!” shouted Richard.

Jack Sparrow almost jumped up in surprise at the sudden sound. However, all the rum in the world isn’t going to make him take a forward step in this situation. He was still tiptoeing backwards.

“Now, time to help up our napping brethren”

Everyone gently woke up the fallen heroes.

The twelve people of the harem were tending to @sleepyhead. Pixie tended to Mnessus’ wounds.
Scarlett helped up Triton. Domitia tended to Poseidon. Sabina was the only one brave enough to approach Ursena. Ursena didn’t resist. Sabina started healing her.

As Jack Sparrow approached Isarnia, he heard a warning from behind. It was a familiar voice; “I’ll kill you right here if you so much as touch her.” said @CaptainjaKCsparrow.

“Ay mate! It’s been so long. How have you been! Let’s have some rum!!” Captain Jack Sparrow started becoming all chatty all of a sudden.

“I’ll deal with you later.” said @CaptainjaKCsparrow with a cold stare.

He then knelt down beside Isarnia, gently placed her head in his lap, and called out for Hu Tao - who has woken up by now and started making his smoothie. “Hu… could you please give me some of that smoothie over here?”

Hu promptly offered it. @CaptainjaKCsparrow carefully fed some smoothie to Isarnia. She was still not conscious. He realized she needs something more powerful… he carefully took out some of Mother North’s porridge that he has been carrying around since the tavern fiasco and fed a small spoonful to her. Isarnia slowly opened her eyes, “Oh God. My head hurts. Where am I?”

“You’re safe now. All of you were fighting that creature. But it’s all over now. Now, eat this and get your energy back.” he said in a soothing voice. Somehow, Isarnia calmed down - may be she was still quite weak… may be it was his voice… we’ll never know.

He then took out some small shiny substance from his pouch and mixed it in the next spoon of porridge and gave it to her. “What is it?” she asked - clearly not taking whatever it is. She just wanted to talk to this stranger who is tending to her wounds.

“Trust me. You’ll like it.” he said with a smile.

She accepted it and ate it. She sat up. She felt some warm soothing sensation throughout her face and limbs. What’s happening? this feels good. I feel good. she thought.

In the meantime, @akionna approached that place. (Where was @akionna all this while??) “Where were you @CaptainjaKCsparrow all this while? We couldn’t find you or @TGW”

@CaptainjaKCsparrow said, “I guess that creature threw us in some weird place while it was attacking you guys.” He added, “I sensed that there everything was going on in loops… if I kept walking straight, I came across the same places every half an hour. Events repeated every four hours. It’s like everything is pre-programmed. But there was no loop control.”

“Oh, God. What about @TGW and Vela?” asked @akionna

“I don’t think they sensed anything different. They were so focused on collecting sea shells, taking photographs, and lazing around the beach. It’s like they were on their honeymoon.” said @CaptainjaKCsparrow. “I am guessing they must be back here somewhere now that you guys defeated that creature.”

He turned towards Isarnia. “Alright. Seems like it worked perfectly!”

@akionna was so busy focusing on the story, she didn’t notice Isarnia till now. She was awestruck by the beauty in front of her. The protector of glaceholm now looked youthful, beautiful, and far more graceful than ever. She looked more stunning than even her younger daughter Vela.

“Did you…??” @akionna was still searching for words.

“I gave her a small piece of that tampered ascension mat. I saved a piece of it while we were at the tavern.” said @CaptainjaKCsparrow beaming with pride.

“What happened??” asked Isarnia sounding confused. Somehow she did not feel like raising her voice at @CaptainjaKCsparrow

“Look at yourself. Create a tiny ice shard and look at your reflection.” said @CaptainjaKCsparrow gently nudging her.

She obliged and did as he told.


It was as if time stood by for a few seconds.

Isarnia’s happiness knew no bounds. “Now you don’t need to worry about any costume! You look more beautiful than ever.” said @CaptainjaKCsparrow

“Thank you so much!!” said Isarnia and hugged him while facing the ocean.

Then she said, “What is it that I see up ahead?”

It’s @TGW and Vela, surfing on water. As they approached the beach, Vela squinted her eyes and said, “Who is she? She looks surprisingly similar to my mother. That attire is definitely hers. But the man she is hugging is definitely not my father!”