When are the players held responsible?

2 posts were split to a new topic: No Coins for beating Dark Lord

Thanks, Iā€™m just grateful some people are able to make it through my waffles alive (I expect half who try to look like theyā€™ve been in The Temple of Doom), anything past that is a bonus.

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I did check. Absolutely nothing. I used a different account and its still available to new users. I thought rewards after update is removed but rewards still available for everyone. But not in this one i just completed.

I almost walked away from the game about 2 months ago because I was tired of player BS. People leaving/jumping around, lying, acting ridiculous, getting butthurt over dumb stuffā€¦ Then, of all crazy things, some of the drama led to me being installed as leader. We have rebuilt and are better than ever, but this game just isnā€™t that fun if the people suck.

Let me be clear: It is my strong opinion that Empires and Puzzles is not a fun game on its own merit. It is a game where scarcity is king and you get a gamblerā€™s high when a roll of the die lands your way. Otherwise, itā€™s grind-away forā€¦ things to inspire more grindingā€¦ etcetera

The only reason I stay (and Iā€™ve heard others say the same) is because of my alliance. If I ever leave my alliance, it will be to quit the game completely. But if the people or the alliance becomes the choreā€¦ itā€™s time to reevaluate the ā€˜investmentā€™ into the game and cut losses.

Players will never be held accountable, because theyā€™re somehow under the impression that the customer is always right.

All that said, Iā€™m grateful for my alliance. we have gotten rid of the deadwood and drama and have rebuilt to into a stronger one than ever.


Yeah I get that most of the original post is mainly directed at frustrations with dealing with people in game though at the same time the specific example was chosen to be included as an example of a player ā€œruining the gameā€ which I felt was unwarranted to be lumped in with a bunch of people who were behaving as you say as selfish jerks so thought I would post my objection.

I donā€™t intend to get in an argument over it with the OP, Iā€™ve said my piece, Iā€™m hoping to get module results back from my part-time studies I hope to be celebrating instead later today. If my presence genuinely is ruining it for someone else then theyā€™ll have to deal with it as Iā€™m not going anywhere. Iā€™ve as much right to be here and post opinions within the forum rules as they and everyone else has.

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Fully agree with this. We recently had to boot a player from our alliance. Technically it was 2 accounts but it was one player, he was active but he was very micro-managing particularly for wars. It got worse when he started shaming other members in chat, got to the point when me and the other leads had to tell him to cool it, they werenā€™t breaking any of our participation rules and they were still actively playing. Didnā€™t end well but weā€™re better off without that negativity.

I get that for an alliance to succeed all have to be active team players, but in my experience as a co-leader you are a team and you need to work together, understanding that thereā€™s humans behind every account in your alliance. Micro-managing others is ridiculous, may as well create 30 accounts and play by yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:


I actually agree with your opinion. Iā€™m not a fan of match 3 kind of games, theyā€™re a dime a dozen and incredibly monotonous. The only reason I downloaded this game in the first place was for the RPG-esque, fantasy, base building aspects. I enjoy collecting and leveling heroes. I get bored grinding provinces, titan battles are too short lived, raids are frustrating and incredibly RNG dependent, etc.

I mostly continue playing because I want to get and level up as many good heroes as I can, and use them in the wars. The fact that Iā€™ve managed to recruit friends and family to fight alongside me is a great bonus, and probably the only reason Iā€™ve continued to play for as long as I have. My first alliance had a lot of great people and I enjoyed chatting with most of them, but we had many good players leave and then arguments would arise between others, it just got to a point where it wasnā€™t fun anymore, so my girlfriend and I left and created our own alliance. Weā€™ve been happy ever since. :slightly_smiling_face:

Still always chasing that rare and elusive gamblerā€™s high. Pulling a great hero or getting that last ascension mat you need to final ascend X hero, beating a higher level opponent in a raid or AW, damn that feels good, man. :grin:

Edited because I said rare but elusive instead of rare and elusive. Duh. :crazy_face: My prose and grammar have gotten quite sloppy in my old age.


For me it was the opposite. I was actually looking for a non-candyfied match 3 game to play as a diversion. I enjoy bejeweled in short bursts but some of the others are just too sugary sweet.

I had been playing a match-3 game with collectible monsters but I quickly ran into a dead end in that game where I couldnā€™t progress without paying. So that game disappeared.

I started playing E&P because it looked similar to that one. I figured it would also fizzle out for me in a few months. But this game adds a lot of other elements (stronghold / alliances / raids / wars / Season 2) that still keep me entertained 18 months later (give or take).


Thank you for your thoughts.

Itā€™s coming to the point where I feel you have to have a certain mindset and focus for your alliance and keep everyone on board, no matter how small the alliance.

For example, Helios has a ā€œLife firstā€ mentality, and we know that (while competitive) we are not filled with greedy folks that get angry when we have to ā€˜passā€™ on a 12* titan or get mad if people only use 3 flags on a titan, or only do ~50k or less on an 11*. People play when they are able, and thatā€™s just fine.
That mindset does NOT work with some alliances who have a laundry list of rules, and we are just fine with that. In some cases, we have been a stopping point for those who needed a break from the heavier alliances.

But that doesnā€™t always work. For example, some folks took advantage of the laid-back mindset and abused our system. It took awhile but we are finally to a place where we are happy with 100% of our members and things are running smoothly.

But I can 100% see where someone would want to split off and do their own thing. When I was considering the concept of leaving, I might have started my own alliance with just my friends and family (12 in all) and just fought to the max level that we could. In fact, my friend tried to pressure me into that because she felt bad for her low participation in our big alliance. In a way, she held herself TOO accountable.

As long as the leader sets the tone and holds the players accountable, relies on a good core of Co-leaders, and leads by example, the rest of the alliance should follow. People who cannot ā€œfit-inā€ will not stay.

The only way to hold players responsible, is for the other players to make them socially accountable.


I guess I might be in the minority then, most of the games I play are expansive role playing PC and console titles (itā€™s probably against the rules to talk about other games, so I wonā€™t list them here). E&P has just enough depth to keep me interested, while also being simple enough for my more casual-gamer friends and family members to get into. Kind of a perfect balance.


That was one of the issues I encountered with my previous alliance; on the one hand, we wanted our members to be active - on the other hand, real life happens, and then youā€™re stuck with having to decide whether or not to kick somebody you enjoy talking to just because they havenā€™t been active enough lately. I hated having to make those calls. :frowning_face:

My current alliance is small and cozy enough that if we know that some members are busy or whatever, we can temporarily cancel wars and thereā€™s no worries if we let a titan or two escape. Weā€™re very active when we can be but also willing to make allowances when real life gets in the way.

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I used examples of player behaviors and comments. the comment of ā€œI dont wanna have to do it anymore so let me loot ticketā€ was the only thing i was addressing and you got a lot more feedback from other players than myself I simply just used that as an example. when we started the game there was no such thing, you have no idea of how hard the originals had to grind just to get backpacks to see them now given away in shop purchases, calm yourself.

because everyones effort ensures that everyone receives mats not just myself. your whole post says you you you but what about your alliance mates who rely on your participation to recieve Matts?

when we merged I gave up my leadership rights and just wanted to be a player again. I was thrust into leader when the first alliance went down over someoneā€™s sense of humor being a little to over the top for everyone and crossed to many boundaries. I work 12 hour days have one kid in college one that should be and a 5 and 1 year old at home. I dont have the time to lead like i would need so it was the responsible thing to do. i do however make time to participate in all aspects of the game and in over 1 year and a half have yet to miss a titan or war even if Iā€™m not the top hitter I make sure to do my part as does everyone else from our original alliance. trust me I would have kicked half these dead weights to the curb if the choice was mine but itā€™s not and the leader only cares about what happening in her other alliance. moving around sucks ā– ā– ā–  and i wasnt in agreement with it in the first place but if it was gonna give my people a chance at better loot then i went with the majority. it didnt work and now everyone is frustrated.

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I think itā€™s a bit ridiculous that you merged into another group, realized you didnā€™t like the fit and came to complain on the forums. Leave the group if you want, but for all this talk about holding people responsible, maybe you should be holding yourself responsible for the situation that youā€™ve placed yourself and your group into as the previous leader. Food for thought. (sorry if this came off harsh, finger pointing just drives me crazy, as does merging into an alliance and then wanting them to change to accommodate your expectations, maybe you should have found out a bit more about the alliance before merging).

it was voted upon and I do hold myself responsible which is why i.cam to the forums to get advice from the people i.know would give it. I appreciate your response as hearing how everyone feels is the way to get things to change. thanks for your input, a year ago I would have responded to you totally different but the respect I have for my group and the people here I will just leave it at that lol.


Those players have always been and wil always be here, you just have met more of them lately.

I am in an alliance where war after war we end up with 0 flags left, and rarely someone does not attack our titan.

Of course we have met crappy players, but they all rapidly get kicked out, we are 20 and our biggest titan is 8-9*, depending on color and time of appearance.

We keep united as a group, and every one is evolving, each at their own pace.


yeah I was totally happy with the 17 but a few were getting disgruntled and kinda pulled a hey we taking off thing and it kinda ruffled the group. as I said 13 of us are friends/family/ coworkers but I did understand them wanting to see how far we could push one another which was the only reason I went along with the merger in the first place, but it hasnt gone well as each person has expressed concerns or ideas only to be met with silence or rebuttals of information we already know. I simply miss the good old days when the biggest complaint was about not being able to get a 5 star for free lol.

Iā€™m going to be charitable and ignore the condescension and also assume that I was being too subtle with both my comment in the other thread and my original response here so will spell it out:

  1. Completing: Despite the name I donā€™t believe Challenge Events are much of a Challenge.
  2. Competing: I believe the current scoring system encourages strategies that are ultimately monotonously ā€œoptimise the fun out of the gameā€.
  3. I was stating a desire to see a events be made more challenging and for a reformed scoring system that encourages playing the boards you get rather than backing out repeatedly.
  4. When I say as the current system stands ā€œI would totally loot ticket themā€ I say it in the same way that I would say that as this has gone ā€œI would total stick my foot in a wood chipper before explaining myself further to youā€. I am not advocating either but stating my order of preference for options I donā€™t want.

For the record it is not wise to assume that just because a username is unfamiliar to you that they havenā€™t been playing a long time. I am quite aware of how things were before loot tickets were introduced and indeed given that I still do the vast majority of my farming on auto-pay to save tickets for Atlantis Rises it is not too unfamiliar to me.

Anyway Iā€™ll leave you to work through your issues with other parts of the player base whilst I go buy a wood chipperā€¦

Edit: Clarifying points 1 and 2 were specific to completing and competing in the events respectively.

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Im one of the newest team members and can back up what Lady Suzanne saidā€¦it takes communication which is so easy today with Social mediaā€¦We Win and Lose together as an Alliance TEAM!

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