Whats the point of "rare" titans

Everything in this game is about chances. All you can do is maximize your chances and thus you should „waste“ (why waste. It’s what they are made for, killing strong enemies) items on rare titans and always try to kill it. Just my opinion.

We’re on our 3rd rare atm. First was okay, 3/30 received the telescope. The second, not a single member scored the special loot and the loot we did get was nothing special.

We get it’s a percentage, but feeling like a rare Titan should have a guaranteed drop! Much harder to take down, requires lot of crafted items and flasks too.


Not guaranteed. But I‘m with you. Let‘s say something like 30% would be reasonable!


We also killed 3 rare titans. All 11*.

On unicorn we had 5 getting telescopes as bonus
On rooster we had 4 getting the tonic as bonus loot (me included)
On gryphon (we just killed it last night) we have 4 reporting darts as bonus loot too.

Not to mention that in general loot is A LOT better. We had at least 10 members getting 4* items on this titan!


My alliance advocates for sustainable titan killing. That means we don’t really use super expensive items when we make our titan kills. That keeps us going in the long run and also keeps us at a titan level we can comfortably handle as we get stronger. We typically don’t use the pricey tornadoes, time stops, bombs, super mana potions. Also because we compete in the challenge events so we gotta save those. We mostly use antidotes and medium health pots maybe some turtle/bear banners, arrows, and sometimes axes. Both rare titans went down pretty easily for us since it was in the same range as the ones we usually kill. @SuuriKoira


Everyone gripes, “we need more chances at rare mats!” So SG creates a new chance to get rare mats, and people are now complaining. Wow.

I agree with @Dante2377 that the 13* and 14* rare were way hard, but they’re gone, thank goodness. I also agree that the drop rate seems miserly considering the resources used. I hope SG is looking at that and considering an increase, but my guess is that they intend to keep the pace of 4* mats slow. Very slow.


Yeah, I agree.

The last one we faced I got a mysterious tonic which was cool, but for how rare they are and the effort/flasks required to kill it, I wish the increase in loot was better.

3 or so extra 4* ascension items divided among 30 people is not very exciting.

It seems like the devs err strongly on the side with being cheap with drops/rolls/loot. I understand how they want to keep the game’s economy in balance, but I wish they’d tweak rare titan loot (also HoTM drops and Epic Hero Token rolls), to keep the game exciting.

This is a game. It’s supposed to be fun and exciting. 3 extra items divided between 30 players is NOT FUN OR EXCITING.


We killed an 11* Rooster Dragon. Of the six people who reported loot, two got the special goodie. I do not know whether the other 24 players got anything, but we usually crow when we get something good.

That said, a number of Alliance Leaders have stated the kinds of returns they were getting on these rare titans, usually ranging from 1-2, to as high as ten players (I only heard that once).

If the Rare titans will cost so much to defeat, I’d prefer that everyone got the goodie. :confused:


Okay, as of this moment can we all agree you know what is what here?

If you want to risk costly crafted items to be one of the few in your alliance who may possibly get a non-farmable mat, can you complain if an ally gets it and not you? You all know the risk. This may be an evil plot by the devs, but you know it.

What is that definition of insanity?

As others stated above, most of us have stopped using tornadoes, time stop or other high costs items on titans. We are still short without them to kill 3 10* titans in a row but we’re fine with that. We are now using items only on rare titans. 9* griffon will die soon and hopefully will be more generous than previous 2 rare titans we got (9*/10*)
On first titan five people got a telescope, on second one only two reports a tonic.


We celebrate when our teammates get loot. But if all players are gonna use 20+ high-end battle items each for only two 4* nonfarmable ascension items total, in my estimation it’s too little reward for too much effort. Why hunt for Bear when I can catch a Deer for much less work?

There are those who want the reknown of killing a Bear (a rare), and they’re welcome to it. We had fun killing ours. Just want more pay for my hunters (players). :wink:


They are suppose to have a higher ascension item chance but out of the 3 we’ve defeated. 1 person got the ascension item and the last two rares no one at all got it.
It’s harder and I’m not sure yet if it’s actually worth the extra effort & battle items.
Hopefully yours will be better than any of mine.


I’m usually A or A+ on our titans. 10* titan loot generally is terrible but seems to be better if you get B or C. I don’t think I have ever got an ascension item in top two spots. I know of one person in our alliance getting darts from a special titan. I know of no one getting a telescopes. We have done 3special titans so far and loot has been the same forgettable stuff you get on regular titans.

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If the last slot would be a 100% chance to get a unfarmable it’ll be a worthy fight, even if it could go against the “nothing is guaranteed” law.

Ex. 1 slot for:
80% (Fine Gloves & Compass)
20% (Tome of Tattics & 3* elemental AM)
10% (Ascension material based on the Titan’s color)

They are rares and gives you better chances to get good loot but when you don’t get even one unfarmable then you start questioning your items usage, team efforts and personal profit.


In the six months I have been playing, and in all the threads I have read over that time in which players demanded a loot buff, I have never seen the devs budge.

When active players point out a hero is over powered, the devs have nerfed the hero.

So, why is everyone demanding something that has never happened before?

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In hope of a first time :wink:

I have mentioned the insanity test

I have seen the Devs both nerf and buff heroes.

I have seen ascension item drought and spring.

Just because something is outside your personal experience doesn’t mean it is insane or doesn’t exist. :wink:


The funny, really not meant to be insulting, response is that you might try reaching the devs with a ouija board.

I have heard that they work, but not experienced it myself. Emoji emoji emoji

You’re being unreasonably negative Bud. The Devs have repeatedly responded with positive changes in the game.

Yes there are sometimes changes that are less popular, but that is true in every game.

What is your solution? :slight_smile:

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