What's the craziest drama you made/or witnessed in your actual/previous alliances

I’m happy to say of the handful of alliance I joined since I’ve started, none of these drama/political crap happened to me or the alliance. Some were chatty some were not but all was well


WOW, your alliance sounds like mine. 15 players and we only play war. Our titan lives around level 2 - 3 and it’s the most peaceful alliance I have ever been in. Our weekend war is a 24 hour marathon though. That’s really the only time we play.

When was the last time you seen a titan score like this:

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It seems I’m very lucky that in my 4 years pretty much nothing happened in my alliances…

There is only 1 small episode where probably I was the trouble :innocent:

This is already some time back in an older alliance I was, not my current one, when we were searching mercs (we stopped that a long time ago, because it doesn’t really help and for emergencies we had hundreds of flasks accumulated in the alliance). So we were looking for some help and another player entered, didn’t hit the Titan, wrote a recruiting message and left the alliance. Nothing happened in our alliance, but I was pissed because at least in my understanding that’s not how recruiting should be handled.

So before the next matchmaking I left my alliance and went to them, said something like “blabla wanted to change for a long time and this was a sign, so here I am”.
They accepted and after war matchmaking was done I asked if they think it’s polite to enter working alliances and try to recruit active members. They saw no problem and at my question if I could try to recruit from them they said I could try.

Well, I tried.

Spamming the alliance Chat with different alliance adds is something not everyone is fond of it seems, can’t understand why. And I still don’t understand why I got kicked before I was able to use a single flag in the war :face_with_monocle:


It would be even better if you sacrifice a 24/25 war chest prior to revenge joining

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I’m not even sure if war chests were already a thing back then :see_no_evil:

Maybe they were, but can’t remember it was a long time ago…


Yeah this “adhoc” recruiting happens.

At least yours was an obvious attempt to recruit. Pop in, leave a “join us” message. Then exit.

The undercover recruiters are worse. They join. Make friends. Join line chat. Add friends. Begin recruitment.



Alliance drama is no fun. :rofl:


I’m sorry this happened to you, but I also think it is too funny. All that effort just to “recruit”. :exploding_head:


What was the penalty?

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Yup. That’s what I thought.

This secret spy recruiter had some manners though. Went round visiting alliances to gather intel. Then send it upward to HQ. While collecting line contacts for future reference. Don’t recall active poaching.

Anyway, When push came to shove, the Grand Poo Bah descended to make an offer. Like the mighty Zeus with his fearsome thunderbolts. I was co-lead then.

Leader chickened out on dealing with this situation. Rest of the alliance shivered quietly while waiting for someone to handle this situation. I had to handle the entire episode. :joy::rofl:

Got the Grand Poo Bah to leave as quietly as possible. While I pacified the rest of the flock. He came prepared with a mighty display of his titan prowess.

Leader said no to “merger”. Cos he knew the Grand Poo Bah only wanted the strongest players and will evict the weaker players eventually.

I relayed the message. Grand Poo Bah accepted decision.

I rushed to my sangria to soothe my nerves.

Looking back on this episode, it was hilarious really. :joy::rofl:


everyone is made co-leader by default. missing war flags leads to demotion to Elder. miss again, another demotion to Member. miss again before the reset (every three months) and it’s boot time.

“Lianna” was demoted to Elder.

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That’s hilarious :joy:. I had a similar experience. I left an alliance in April of 2020 that was full of conservatives. It was the funniest 6 months of reading chat filled with Qanon conspiracies and talks of overthrowing a duly elected government on the 6th. While their hope lived for a couple more months in that Trump still controlled the military even when he left the Oval office and would come back and take over on the 4th of March. Those dreams swiftly went up into smoke and morale plummeted while they blamed shapeshifting reptilian Democrats for Trumps downfall. I don’t think I laughed harder or more often than I did during those 6 months in this this game.


We have had several individuals who have caused drama over the years. Happily the core of our alliance is pretty chilled and they don’t freak out about it. Generally we boot anyone who smells of drama really quickly now, but we had to learn that lesson the hard way.

We had a guy who joined, claiming to have a brain injury (he may well have done, but a lot of his story didn’t add up). He would say outrageous things and then excuse himself by reminding us ‘I have a brain injury’. We let him stay for about 4 days, partly because as offensive as he was, it was also fairly funny. He started by arriving and immediately asking if anyone here was a Christian. He then got mad that nobody responded within 5 minutes. He later told us his mother was a lady of ill repute (my version). We finally booted him when he started boasting about how he had killed 3 people in a war. (A real world one, not an E+P one). We have a rule that if you are with us for 7 days and you participate properly, we promote to elder. We explained that to him, but he must of asked to be promoted 20 times in those 4 days. He was (mainly) comedy gold, but he started making good people leave.

We also had someone else who we promoted to elder after 7 days. There was someone who had been with us 6 days who got mad that he had been overlooked and immediately left. I feel we dodged a bullet there!

Our biggest bust up was when a new member said we were a sexy alliance. Another member got upset about all this ‘flirting that nobody wanted to read’. That was our biggest fight. Fortunately brain injury guy resolved all this and the member who got easily offended by the ‘flirting’ left on their own accord.



Out of all the conspiracies, the reptilians and the adrenochrome stories are kinda out there. I remember those stories you’re talking about. Pretty entertaining stuff. I think we currently have some great leadership worldwide. They seem to be handling everything very well.


Funniest part out of all of that, after it fell apart, some of them started going off at each other about how they weren’t dedicated enough to the cause and the right is full of RINOs. People started leaving, new ones started coming in, and it kept going in circles like that for a few more weeks while I just LOLed in the chat and left. Comedy gold.

Eh, not really and I don’t buy that for a sec lol. But after the circus that lasted from '16-'20…no one in their right mind should want that again.

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wow, some intense stories here…

my previous alliance, we were only two active members and it was open to public. Had someone join, went well for the first week

then he asked if he could invite a friend over, said the friend was cool. but that we would have to sweeten the deal, make friend leader. I said nope, but I will make friend co-leader. so friend joins.

then first guy asks me to make his friend leader again. friend is all, “aw no, no, that’s too much.” so I said, well your friend doesn’t want to be leader. but I’ve happily made him co-leader.

first guy goes: “No, I want to hear why you didn’t make him leader.”

I said: "did you even read the chat? he’s been like “nah don’t make me leader it’s fine.”

first guy leaves in a huff, and second friend apologizes before leaving too.

whew, am I happy that’s all behind me!


Sounds like their friend was definitely cool. That one, on the other hand…lol

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Some of the stories in this thread are hilarious @BlackZed

I don’t get why someone would be power hungry for a leadership role in a game. :rofl:


This is basically the same policy we have in my alliance, and it blows my mind how upset people get about demotions. I’m like, my dude, it literally means nothing. It’s a made up title with no benefit that only exists in a mobile game where you ultimately don’t even own the heroes, tokens nor gems you buy.

Plus, it’s a clearly communicated rule. We have had people who were members for 1 year+ get angry and quit the alliance over a demotion due to not using their flags. People are crazy :upside_down_face:


Exactly. I was pushed up cos leader needed a PA. I was his PA. That was his way of protecting me so that I wouldn’t get bullied by the more senior players.

I was so young then. In my 30s.

Ever since then, if I sniff a whiff of leadership, I exit as quickly as possible. Lol