What's the best defense team I can make

I am trying to make the best defense team possible. Like to get thoughts on tank. Here is my team currently.

Here are the heros


Put rigard as tank he is awesome boldtusk caedmo’ li xiu and grimm

Rigard health and take out negative effects on your heroes

Boldtusk health and give offensive boost

Caedmon make dommages and retires special effects on the opposite heroes

Li Xiu manage opposite mana (can help a lot)

Grimm is the offensive guy he makes big dommages and reduce opposite defense

I would do that but you need to level some heroes here. Let the 5 stars heroes for now. Build good teams of 4 stars heroes who will help you to build 5 stars heroes


how would you set this team to be something goooood? Pls help!

There’s not much choice here, so I’d put your best heroes in the center and hope for the best:
Tibs - Sonya - Hu Tao - Colen - Carver

At this team level, don’t even worry about your defense. Just focus on leveling your heroes.

I will give you the advice i was told max 2 rainbow teams of 3 stars. Then start leveling rigard

You first upgraded the healers. I suggest you caedmon-poseidon-rigard-grimm-gormek. But when 5* upgraded, miki-seshat-elena-poseidon-lianna will make a very good defense team.