3* I want to level up
Brienne costume
Gunnar costume
What do you think should i being leveling right now?
My materials are
Scopes 7
Tonic 6
Tabard 4
Rings 3
Dards 3
Shields 2
Traps 3
Warm capes 12
Hiiden blade 6
Fine gloves 5
Compasses 0
Damascus 5
Tactic tome 4
Right now im slowly leveling up gaderius… he may be usefull for epic avalon
PD: I have the idea to gather more mats before do my next step. In a few days i will start to investigate tc 20 and next week i assume i will be running it for first time. I dont know what can i pull from there and i dont want to regret any decision
Personally I would keep on with a couple more 4* heroes before starting the time and resource sink that 5* heroes are (not even mentioning how expensive they are in materials)
I spell it out more in this post here:
So in saying that I would probably do:
Blue - Sonya costume & Triton (maybe Valeria too…?) (Kiril too if you get him)
Red - Colen for sure. BT 2 next then Grazul and then back to gormek 2
Green - Melendor & Brianne costume. Then Gaderius.
Purple - Tiburtus & then grimble
Yellow - Li Xiu 2 then Joon. If you get Wu Kong max him ASAP
TC20 is a great free resource. From it you can train 5*, 4* and 3* vanilla (season 1) heroes.
Essentially gives you a chance at summoning any hero available in the normal Epic Hero
Summon Portal.
Odds are approximately 5% for a 5*, 25% for a 4* and 70% for a 3* hero (approx. From memory).
Cost is 100 recruits and about 300k food. Takes 2 days to cook a training.
I love enchancing my 4* roster. I enlarged my roster space too.
My true limitation is the lack of compasses.
If i had more of them i would max melendor and colen for sure, or at least wait to february to see if i pull a better option.
So , despite having the mats you didnt consider maxing vela an option yet, did you?
I use my Mel (no costume yet) every war. I haven’t used my Gad for anything in months. That isn’t to say Gad is bad but over time he is eclipsed. Maxing full healers is always a good investment.
Strengthen your 4* depth while feeding some legends, but leave the rares for now. Rares are only good for events and tournaments. Otherwise you won’t use them any more.
I have read that gad is very useful for wars and titans.
Mel is very useful for titans for his tile damage.
Anyways i think that costume mel surpases gaderius for too much.
As i said mel is at 3/60. i cannot rise further due to the lacking of compasses
I feel joon is way the better hero… I have both and feel this way. joon works fine at 3/70 just a bit soft. but that is also just my opinion. but i will say that knowing what i know now i would 3/70 joon asap
ur thinking on vela and having everything is a correct thinking. i just think joon will win u more fights
Guess that my closest yellow project is or either rise joon to 3/60 which already discussed or maxing another li xiu. (I like li xiu, but two of her ?) Well i could use one with costume but im not fond of duplicates only grimm
Hello, its me again.
We have farholme pass, and thanks to god there is a compass. I dont have compass and i cannot max any other 4*.
My maxed roster is
Little John
Hu tao
Next heroes in folder, and here is where i need your help. With that farholme Compass i can Max only one more for now:
Vela which i have the mats ready
Melendor. I want the costume. Missing 2 shields
And here is a dilema. I have only 200 druid emblems. So the fight is between melendor or vela. And i tend to think that melendor would be more useful in wars and in general. more with his costume or emblems
Other options to consider:
Gaderius, Tibertus, Ameona, Triton and Colen (he is a good attack hero).
Other options:
Wait to the end of the month to see if tc20, avalon , Atlantis or costume chamber give something better