WHAT will be the response of SG to similar games with much potential?

Wait, you a fan of Censure method?

As for the rest… It’s one thing to say that you wanna play a different game, but it’s totally different from time considerations :slightly_smiling_face:

I have “wasted” tens of thousands of hours probably playing video games over several decades. I don’t consider most of that time to be a waste, because most of the games rewarded me for my time spent. Not so much in terms of actual physical rewards, but the grinding was mostly fun, and the rewards I got for grinding gave me a sense of accomplishment.

This game has a very high demand vs. low reward ratio in terms of both time and money. I’m still grinding trying to reach that sense of accomplishment, whatever it is, but I can only play it for so long each day before I just completely lose all interest. Fill up my training camps and whatever, say screw it, I’ll come back tomorrow and see if anything good shows up. Every day that goes by where I don’t get anything of value in my loot or TC20 or summons, or every war I participate in where the opponents are all overpowered monsters that half of my team can’t take down, I lose a little bit more motivation to log in the next day at all. Time invested should have a reward. I don’t understand how being stingy with rewards is supposed to make a game more fun… but then, some people have different ideas of fun than I do.


For me personally, this is likely the only match-3 hero team building game I will play. If (when) I do move on to another game it will be a different style of game. Not because I will dislike match-3 but because I will want something different. Prior to E&P I played a game based on a dinosaur movie where you built your theme park and collected dinosaurs. But they introduced too many features into it and I lost interest. I played it for about 2-1/2 years and never paid a cent into it. They did get their revenue through ads and direct purchases (no gacha, straight up $139 or so for a legendary dinosaur). There were ways to get dinosaurs for free, just slow.

Hmmm, sounds a bit familiar. Just without the gacha.

When I started playing E&P I gave it 3-6 months. Now I’m at 37 months and still going.

Time constraints are always a consideration, especially so for entertainment purposes. That’s why movies are usually 1-1/2 hours long. That seems to be the optimum balance between maximizing viewer attention and turnstile. When I started playing there wasn’t so much to do and I could easily do it all. Now there is so much to do that I lag behind on a lot. I never seriously attempt the Ninja Tower or Mythic Titans because … time. For me the tournaments are simply a way to get extra raids in to fill my chest twice in a day without using a flask. I think when I finally do stop playing it will be either:

  1. They finally reached a threshold where there is just way too much for me to do and I find it overwhelming. Mind you, I think this is actually SG’s response to the competitors – add more content.
  2. Non-S1 costumes make my bench move backwards relative to the game.
  3. Someone finally proves that boards really are rigged :rofl:

I’m 100% with you on this being the only match-3 I will ever play. I actually find very little enjoyment out of matching tiles. I’m all about that loot and building up rosters. Raids? I wanted to like them, but unless I cup drop, I have very low chances of winning at the upper platinum / low diamond levels (completely board dependent). Wars I like, because they involve teamwork and strategy, and they allow me a chance to actually beat players who only focused on building up one really strong OP raid team while completely neglecting the rest of their bench.

There are many changes that SG could have made that would inspire me to continue spending, but adding more strong heroes that I can neither (a) beat in battle or (b) afford to summon myself, is not exactly my idea of “game improvements”.

Not really. It doesn’t work all the time. But it helps me eliminate spending in the game. Real or not, it did help me get Lady Locke, Captain Kestrel, and Alfrike last January, Fenrir and Uraeus last February, and Sir Roostley and Malicna yesterday. Censure’s Method helps F2Ps to be thrifty, smart and patient when pulling. They don’t have the luxury of whales doing multiple x30 and/or x10 pulls.


I’ve sort of tried it myself, but not with any good results. Maybe I didn’t have enough common summon coins saved up, IDK.

Though personally, I remain skeptical of any system that claims that random probability can be predicted. Such systems have never worked out well for me. Summons in this game are not like blackjack, where you can count the cards and know how many 10s are left in the deck to be able to predict your odds on the next pull. They’re more like a roulette table where, just because the wheel has landed on red the last 7 spins in a row (an unlikely outcome), it does not mean that there is any higher likelihood of it landing on black in the next spin.

Wait a minute here…

There was theme parks in The Land before Time?

I was so wrapped up in the story that I totally missed all that


As @Ultra said, would SG care?

If they closed the servers tomorrow, would they need to work ever again? Probably not, going by some of the financial stuff that gets posted on here.

Would they care that their creation is no more? Possibly, but we have no way of knowing. Most likely they’d toast the games success and wander off home.

Do they even care now? Again, who knows. They may well just be going through the motions, safe in the knowledge that whatever rinse-and-repeat content they churn out will be readily accepted by the player base. And purchased by the player base too.

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They probably don’t care. That’s been my assumption for quite a while now. And why would they?

Now personally, if I was going to take the time to create a company, product, video game, whatever, putting my own heart and soul into it every day, doing a job that I enjoyed doing, and the money started coming in, I’d be perfectly content with that.

Then if one day, some guy in a suit walked into my shop, said “hi, I’m Agent X here to represent Zynga, and we’d like to buy this whole outfit” and opened up a briefcase with $500,000,000 USD inside…


Consider me retired, take my name off the product. If you need me, you can find me on a tropical island somewhere sipping piña coladas. But don’t call, because I won’t answer. And don’t complain to me about my game, because it’s not mine anymore. You need something? Talk to Zynga. Okay? Okay. Byeee!


That was where Littlefoot’s mother retired to. She has a nice little cottage all set up with a beautiful view, and all day she gets to play outside.

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So if they wanted to they could say sod it iv had enough and shut the game down and are accounts will be erased yeah.??

Yes. It’s been posted on these forums before that it’s in the download t&c that SG own the accounts, not the players. So they reserve the right to do as they please and, I’m assuming, that one day there will be a lot of unhappy campers who discover all their ground out/paid for content has disappeared.

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Wow I fell like the biggest mug for wasting money and time on the game. If to one day see the account gone just like that.

Think I’ll just stop spending from now on and use what I got.

You shouldn’t, if you’ve enjoyed the game so far.

Probably a wise decision, depending on your existing roster, what you have still to be leveled/maxed and you’re not fussed on chasing everything new and shiny.

The chances of SG just collapsing the game and shutting the servers is probably extremely remote, but they do reserve that right. Their game, their rules. :slightly_smiling_face:


It is in the ToS, yes, that they can not only shut down the servers whenever they want, but they can also delete individual accounts or items on your individual account, at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all (and also nerf heroes whenever they want).

I wouldn’t say the chances of them shutting down the servers are remote - I’m sure it will happen eventually. But probably not soon. I imagine they will keep them up as long as they are bringing in enough money. And maybe even after the money begins to dwindle, they might just sell the game to someone else who doesn’t mind working for less.


:rofl::rofl::rofl:. The irony of that would be hilarious, given how agitated they get if anyone discusses on-selling their individual account.

Well that’s sucks in my opinion but oh well now I know I’ll do less and just chill with the alliance and build what I got I’m level 60 now so got enough to see me through till the end lol

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Thank you chuck norris :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::+1:

I mean, what did you think you owned? This is bog standard ToS for any online game.

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