What totally irrational /superstitious behaviors do you exhibit in this game?

But they are! :rofl:

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Another oneā€¦ Autoplay when farming lower levels drives me nuts!

I have to switch to normal play because I canā€™t stand the bad, wasteful moves of the AI!

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It worked! I got Lianna! Finally! And youā€™re the reason! Thanks! Maybe I should build a shrine for youā€¦ :thinking:


No need! The fact that you got the hero youā€™ve been wanting forever is reward enough for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope everyone in the game eventually gets the one hero theyā€™ve always wanted. Then the E&Pverse would be a happier place.

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See, I happened to be listening to Kung Fu Fighting when I got Baneā€™s costume. I thought, that was a nice coincidence, let me try leveling it up listening to that song. I put in 10 yellow heroes, and the special went up. Next time I leveled it up, I had the song on and it worked again. It didnā€™t work every time, but it got done in good order.

So, I plan to listen to Kiss if I get TIburtusā€™ costume and am leveling it up, for example.

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Now that you mention it, I think I was watching a Lord of the Rings movie on TV when I got the Melendalf costumeā€¦

Thatā€™s it. Iā€™m watching Sailor Moon the next time Iā€™m going for costume Lianna

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No joke - this is 100% serious -

On more than one occasion, I have been playing the game with the TV on in the background. TV shows a commercial for a certain product. Then I go to Mystic Vision in the game, andā€¦

ā€¦ get an ad for the exact same product that was just advertised in the TV commercial.


Theyā€™re always watching. Listening. ALWAYS.


Well thanks for the advice I think Iā€™ll do the same because I want Liannaā€¦ LOL

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I always heat up my elemental chest with Vip Dragon fire before opening it. 5 fire breaths. I get so annoyed when my VIP pass is coming due and itā€™s not giving me fire.


100s of top players believe that they can summon using free tokens to test for ā€˜hot streaksā€™ in rng prior to actual summons. Itā€™s probably the irrational belief shared by the most players.


When I do my pulls, I donā€™t look at the screen anymore, just have it face down and let it do itā€™s thing. because I noticed my game is very self aware and is probably shy to give me my legendaries if I stare at it. And you know what? It works! Every 30 pulls I did guaranteed a 5*. Did my method yesterday, got Thor and Freya. I got 8 bertilas out with this method, and thatā€™s with two 2 sets of twins

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I do this semi-consciously: when the enemy fires at my guys I cover the hero I donā€™t want hit with my finger. Like nooooo!!! Mostly Rigardā€¦

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It happened on the month when bera was featured and I was raving within myself because sheā€™s going to be so annoying to deal with. And then the game gave me skadi in a single coin pull. Perfect timing I guess, or is it? I swear my game is reading my mind

Your finger is the taunt mechanic

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I think that during a summons we should all flash a goatse in Finlands direction.

And it takes half the time.

When I deal the last blow to an opponent, I donā€™t try to use the color of his last hero because that would be dishonorable.


I do the same thing :laughing:

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I went from complete skeptic to full on holy roller believer of the censure method in the last few weeks. Iā€™m 4/4. Tried first on a whim during last pirates and got Lady Locke. Tried again during tavern and got Perseus. This last Valhalla I was fortunate to try it twice, as I got a 2* troop, then immediately got Obakan (I know, lame AF), then another 2* troop and immediately pulled Norns.

Just pulled on the Atlantis portal with my face down method, got isarnia and Frida! Called it, my game is self aware to know I freaking hated telly and I will brick my phone if it gave me a third mitsy. So the odds of me getting something nice is really slim. Thank you, something great for my blue roster