Hey guys,
actually I’m pretty sad with my pulls. I got my second skittleskull today, wasn’t even sure what to do with the first one. At the moment I’m thinking about feeding some heroes, but actually I don’t have 6 teams yet.
My actual heroes are.
5* Horghall 2-60
4* Skittleskull 1-29
4* Skittleskull 1-1
4* Caedmon 1-1
3* Mnesseus 3-38
3* Isshtak 1-1 (2x)
2* This little goblin (In german he’s called “Piesacker”) 2-40
4* Cyprian 3-60
3* Balthasar 2-1
3* Prisca 2-18
3* Renfeld 1-1
2* Layla 2-40
4* Hu Tao 3-60
4* Chao 1-12
3* Bane 3-50
3* Bane 1-1
4* Sonya 3-14
3* Gato 3-50
3* Greymane 3-50
3* Gunnar 1-1
3* Valen 1-1
3* Ulmer 1-1
3* Hawkmoon 3-50
3* Nashgar 3-50
3* Jahangir 3-50
3* Azar 2-1
3* Nashgar 1-1 (2x!)
3* Jahangir 1-1
My actual team is Hawkmoon, Hu Tao, Cyprian, Horghall and Sonya. My normal rainbow team for most occasion. I’m aware that Sonya is not great on Defense, but still she’s better than my 3* heroes.
I really think of feeding 1x Skittleskull, both Isshtaks, 1x Jahangir, eventually Ulmer. Or should I keep them?
Actually Sonya is my only hero which I can level to the maximum, I don’t have the ascension materials for the other Colors. And if a had them, I wouldn’t be sure, if it would not be a waste on Horghall, Hu Tao or the others…
Don’t using any money, so it’s possible that I’m stuck with this heroes for a longer time… =/
What would you do…?
Edit: Got an epic summon tocen just this moment, list is now enhanced with “Caedmon”