WHAT TEAM would you love to have, but you dont have even close, so you are not building current roster in this direction

Since this game is build around having proper legendary heroes, I wonder, what team setup would you love to have, but since you are pulling different kind of heroes, you kinda had to throw that wish away. Why would you have such team?

ONLY RULE : You must lack atleast 3 heroes of the desired team setup

  1. TEAM : Vanda , Sapphire, Guinevere, Mitsuko, Hel (MANA CUTTING) Hell even stops you from gaining any mana just when you get really close, and Vanda prevents you heal, so you basically drown from puny slash attacks since you never get to cast special :slight_smile: // LACK all 5 heroes

  2. TEAM : Alberich, Missandra, Odin, Margaret, Alfrike (MANA GENERATION)
    So much mana generation, Alberich fires all the time and Alfrike throws cubes, like selling ice cream on a hot summer day! ( Only Have odin)

  3. TEAM : Frigg, Baldur, Krampus, Baldur, Zeline (Baldur team) . This team has so many defenses and so many ways to beat you and really lets Baldurs shine. (missing 2.nd Baldur, Krampus, Zeline)

  4. TEAM : Thor, Grazul, Clarissa, Margaret, Gravemaker (Very fast team). They will punish every board which isnt very good, but they may lack dmg late game if you manage to survive. This is when Thor starts to shine :slight_smile: (missing Thor, Grazl, Margaret, Gravemaker)

Some examples :slight_smile:
What are yours?

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I don’t have even one of them :man_shrugging:


Onyx - Frigg - Garnet - Odin - Cobalt

Do not have all except Onyx.


Oh, you can get get two Ninjas in few days, easy solution :stuck_out_tongue:

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To be honest the only heroes that I would really like to get are:
Any of the Ninja 5* but preferably Red
Don’t want much do I …


You are not respecting the one rule of the thread LAWBREAKER! :stuck_out_tongue:

Put them into a team setup :slight_smile:

Drake-Frigg-BK-Odin-Alice. I only have the two wings and Frigg/Odin flanks is devastating, even with only a few tiles of each on the board.

A rainbow team of Heroes I don’t have but want

Jabberwock, Gravemaker, Frigg, C.Magni, Odin

Sure Ninjas are good but I just don’t like the generic art (and that strangely matters to me)


“Silly” team: Alfrike - Norns - Frigg - Onatel - Freya
No strategic reason, no synergy(?), not even thought for a second. I just love their artwork, i think they’re among the absolute best of the game, so mush fascinating. I would love to have them. Of course i don’t have any of them

“Minion Madness”: Bera - PussinBoots - Krampus - Lady of the Lake - Freya, or, as an alternative, Bera - PiB - Freya - LotL - Queen of Hearts.
I don’t care if minions will overwrite, i just want a minion invasion.

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You are not alone. A lot of players have switched to BK (or Garnet) tanks, flanked to the left by absolutely a Frigg and flanked to the right either by a costumed Kadilen or Odin. At the wings are a set of Cobalt and Onyx, or Jabbawock/Killhare and Finley.

Sadly, I have zero of those heroes. SG, please give me those. I have been summoning in every event available using free tokens, coins and keys, hundreds of them in total, for the almost a year now. Thank you.

My dream team for S3: Aegir / Tarlak / Hel / Malosi / Zimkitha

Aegir + Tarlak should cover the shared damage + heal + attack boosts
Hel should help with bosses
Malosi - Hel’s very fast backup
Zim - attack boost, clean ailments and some damage

I only have Malosi and my 10-12 retrains at HA were all S1s so… Yeah :grinning:

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I wish two teams. For war:


Only have Odin and Seshat

Raid defense team


Cool symbiotic relationship between Tarlak/ Aegir, didnt thought of that. You could also throw in Musashi in that Mix, he heals from basic attacks as well :wink:

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you would play two blues on same win vs red which they will bring to green tank?

They can go Mitsuko, JF :slight_smile:

No two blues only one. The finley/Cobalt means that i would use either one or another because i really like them so whichever i pick its the same to me no preference at all. Sadly i dont have finley nor cobalt :laughing:

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My dream war defence team is:

MN - MarjanaC - Krampus - GM - JoonC

Only have Krampus and JoonC.

And my dream S1C Team:

MagniC - DomitiaC - VivicaC - KadilenC - MarjanaC.

Only have MagniC.

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I understand your Finley/Cobalt pain brother :slight_smile:

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Wilbur - Krampus - Frigg - Snow White - JF

I have JF and Wilbur. I’d love the other 3

Finley, C.kads,Bk,Odin, killhare