What should an emblem be worth?

So, to max one 5 star in each class using purchases alone, you’re looking at a cost of about 5 * 100 * 350, or 175,000, gems. So about $1750. Way, way, more than I’d be willing to pay, but I’m sure someone will.

your maths is off. 1500 emblems to max 350 gems to get 30 so 17,500 gems to max a 5*

I was doing it for one 5 star in each class, so ten times that. Also, you have to pay for at least two different class emblems in each offer, so best you could do 35,000 for two.

yes, at the current deal above you have to buy 2, but keep it broken down per hero cost.

if 17,500 gems per hero, at the “standard best shop rate” of $0.01 USD per gem, that’s $175 per 5 star hero. If you only used special deals (i.e. challenge event where you get 1000 gems for $4.95 or other deals that are better than 1 gem for $0.01, usually somewhere around 1.5 gem for $0.01), you’re going to pay 50-75% of that cost per hero.

More than I’m willing to pay. I’ll grind emblems and if I become no longer good enough to be at the top, I’ll fade away and play more Path of Exile and Star Wars Destiny.

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Didn’t we already know that spending real-world cash on this game is inordinately expensive?

I mean… when it costs $10 just to pull nine 3* and one 4*… and there’s just a 2% chance of getting a 5… that implies that just owning a single 5* hero is in the range of $50+. One hero is equal to the cost of an entire different game.

I really don’t see how having offers that include emblems changes anything. SGG prices things exorbitantly high. We knew that before and expect that anew.

This implies that the thing that’s changed, then, is individual’s attitudes toward the game.

Regardless of the financial side of things, if you enjoy the game you should keep playing. If you don’t… well, then you probably shouldn’t. It really is that simple in the end. :slight_smile:

They will 100% be for sale for cash, gems or both. Just like everything else.

Could not agree more. I have more heroes than I am proud to admit that I have spent 500$+ rolling for, months/money/gems/items busting my hump for ascension items, more time leveling and farming for feeders etc just to have SG tell me to “spend more” (time, money, resources) to MAX my heroes that I have more or less killed myself for!!! I can max 1 hero from each class once per year…you gotta be effing kidding me.

I am currently taking a long hard look at things atm.

I get that they want to create a higher tier of hero without making 5* obsolete but dont think that this was the best way to go about it.


Seems like it is official now… Cash grab confirmed!!

Sad to see the game going heavy in this direction. There are some many other things that they could do to update the game and introduce new features without having to monetize everything… (Reminds me a bit of the game called DLC Quest… “You want sound… give me money!”)

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Please, for gods sake, no offers for emblems. No, nada, njet, niente, nix → Only some daily and on different events. We need some balance - with emblem offers you destroy that completely! Be aware, do not make that big mistake.
I give you enough money for summons…

Am I the only one to see this as s good thing? They just bought themselves 2+ years worth of end game, and outright buying your talents will be prohibitively expensive. Win win in my book.

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$175 per hero isn’t prohibitively expensive. That’s $875 for levelling up a full team of 5* purely using cash. For comparison, that’s the same as 313 Atlantis pulls. There are a LOT of players who do 100+ pulls per month.

It does mean that, if you have a budget, you’ll have to pick between HOTM and emblems. But that’s not an impossible choice. The average is 77 pulls to get a HOTM. So the optimal strategy is probably to spend as much of your budget on Atlantis as is necessary to grab a HOTM and maybe a featured hero, and then spend the rest on emblems.

TL;DR: the moderate spenders are going to move pretty quickly at this price point.

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Ohhh man i can buy 1 matic cycle :see_no_evil:

Probably best to save it for Line chat. This forum is open to all players on a 10+ rated game. You don’t have to personally mind the joke to think it’s inappropriate for here.