What is your ideal defense team?

What is your ideal raid defense including heroes you have or don’t have?

Alby / Kage / Guin / Kage / Gravy

I have 0 of them.


I think that would be an excellent team to reroll :grin:

Yup, agreed…also have none of those. Reroll is right :wink:

MN/Alby - Grazul - Boss Wolf - Grazul - Ursena

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Seshsat/Kingston/Guin/Kage/GM. Well, I have the wings. And I will uninstall the game if I spent a lot and no Kingston :rofl:

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Ursena - Ariel - Boss Wolf - Gravemaker - Poseidon
Boss Wolf with a crit troop and the highest def+hp combination from talents.


I know Boss Wolf has a higher win percentage, but my yellow stack has only lost to BW once since I began running mono. It’s probably a combination of good luck on my side and rarity of BW showing up, but still, he’s slowness makes him non-intimidating to me on any board except one so bad that would likely beat me on any tank.

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Proteus - Grimm - Kunchen - Boril - Proteus

Yup I went that route. Lol. I am also longing for a double Proteus to come out. And I also have been wanting a Kunchen for all the times I go up against one.

This isn’t a bad close substitute:

What I actually use is:


For the record, my favorite is:
Alberich, Black Knight, Aegir, Drake Fong, Seshat.

I have got QoH instead of black knight, fingers crossed for him in the event, and gonna bet the bank to get Aegir in Atlantis this month. Still leveling Drake.

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image0 So something like this.

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I don’t use mono, just 3/2 with 3 against the tank and 2 against the flank I am afraid of the most. I haven’t had any trouble with any tank - including Boss wolf, Kunchen or Guinevere, almost all the times with just 3 opposite heroes. Aegir is sometimes tricky, but managable. My goto color stacks are(because these are my top leveled heroes in that color) :

Yellow: Jackal, Ranvir, Hu tao
Purple: Seshat, Cyprian, Proteus
Green: Alberich, Margaret, Gregorian
Red: QoH, Falcon, Boldtusk
Blue: Grimm, Boril, Kiril

My goto 2 stack is:
Yellow: Jackal, Ranvir
Purple: Seshat, Proteus
Green: Alberich, Margaret
Red: Boldtusk, QoH
Blue: Boril, Kiril

I’m counting on Ursena to deal with the yellows lured from Boss Wolf :slight_smile:

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Mother Fishking Ursl Ariel Gravey

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If I see that, I run Green with Even, 3 Liannas and Mother North and the AI rarely targets North first


GM - GM - Grazul - GM - GM

See, wouldn’t it be cool if we had a sandbox where I could put both of those defences and try out various attacks and see which one, over time, was stronger?

I think that feature alone would give E&P another 1-2 yrs of longevity. Certainly more than the next set of buildings due out.


I expect to see that within a couple weeks on a raid