What is your all-around team?


this autoplays a lot of s3 levels on normal as well. for atlantis rises i exchange raffaele with justicia for rainbow coverage and all splashers.



Reliable to be used for autoplay at S3 (Normal) in recently released provinces.

I play manually with this team on Hard.

Mother North, White Rabbit, C.Richard, C.Elena, and Onyx.

It can auto-farm just about anything, though on the harder levels it’s better to swap in Delilah for Rabbit.

My S1 autofarm team:
Colen+18, Li Xiu Costume, Ursena+20, Frida, Hatter+9

The goal here is speed for clearing 8-7; I just charge any four of those heroes on the first stage, and then hit Auto and they finish the remaining stages with their specials, no further tile moves needed. I just wish I had a suitable Red hero that is Average speed and hits all hard enough to kill them
 Colen being Slow is the weak link in this team.

My go-to for harder stuff is a bit more beefy:
Lianna+18 (with costume bonus), Noor+1, Seshat+18, Gullinbursti+19, Gravemaker+18

Once Noor and Gullinbursti get going, the team is essentially unstoppable, and everyone often has 2x max health and a couple tough minions by the time they reach the boss.

Good gaming!

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My rainbow farm team, all hit-all:
Ursena - Neith 3.70 - Telluria - Vela - Anzogh

heimdal, C-Rigard, Evelyn, Kingston, Freya

Mine is Heimdall tank, Rafaelle and mushashi flanks, queen of hearts and Hel wings. All quests and Valhalla progress are done with these team

For S1

For hard

Going with this team.

[This post has been hidden because the poster’s roster is too pathetic to post publicly]


Usual farm team is Telluria, c.Li Xiu, Ursena, c. Azlar, Vela.
Need an AOE yellow 5* and will probably trade out Tell for Kad in the future

I usually use my raid defense team, I just permute Queen or Hearts for Red Hood. With Guinevere and Lady of the Lake, she provides enough heals and mana cuts to win almost every levels without problem.


Oh, nice subject, it’s interesting to see the answers !

I use essentially this team in the normal levels (season 1, 2 and 3), it hits well and permits me to use the “auto” mode to spend all my flags. With the big heal of Raffaele, I don’t worry about the health of my soldiers :slight_smile:

However, I use not exactly the same team for difficult levels in season 3 :

And, if you want to see my defensive team, it’s the following :

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I tend to stick with as many heroes as I can who hit as many as I can so go wtih these.

Mist, Colen, Almur, Tiburtus and Grimm.

I do keep trying Vela in place of Grimm but I haven’t got enough emblems on her yet to get her to take out an entire wave with one special. I get annoyed every time she leaves just one left standing with something like 20 hit points left. At least Grimm and Tibs take them all out. Almur also could do with beefing up a bit with more emblems so he doesn’t leave any hanging in there either. But he is my best option for nature in that regard, all my others are healers or snipers and I don’t use those for farming even during auto play.

I need to level up more 5* heroes who hit multiple targets.

I’ve been using mostly this team to go through season 3 hard and leaving it in when farming easier levels.

Farm team for speediest S1 and S2 1-9 clears: Santa, Neith+8, Evelyn+18, Ursena+20, Master Lepus+18. All multi-hitters that can wipe an entire 8-7 wave, no healers necessary. I should re-test with C-Azlar+19 and see if it proves faster.

S3 progress and any 3200+ quest team: Ariel+19, Santa, Joon+20, Lianna+12, and Proteus+19.


S1/S2 autoplay: Telluria-Freya-Skadi-Zim-Neith
S3 autoplay: Alby-Freya-Garnet-Ariel-Onatel

Surprisingly haven’t run into a S3 that I cant autoplay yet and theres only 3 provinces left :blush:

Right now, this team. Until I get MN and maybe a few others fully ascended.

Costume magni - Joon - Heimdall - Freya - Baldur. For S3 hard autoplay switch gulinbursti with joon

Here’s the team I use to auto most things