What is this E&P Forum meant for ?!

When I think… What is this E&P Forum meant for ?!

I see a lot of lines blurring, from sharing / support viz the game
too many dicktats (do this only) to players by fellow players on this forum…
this ain’t right / so unfair… (it goes on…!)

Hence, the thought came to check:

To explore, challenge thinking of support & sharing
dicktats / orders to do this / that to teach SG a lesson or get SG’s attention,
many times are coated with victimhood = Not facts, but personal - emotional outbursts, which leads to message being lost !

  • I do remember my moments !

To be honest, this post’s thought came while reading an appeal - to not participate beyond Ninja Tower 50 & teach SG some kind of a lesson… whatever that meant…!

(Pls note: I have only used the above mentioned post as a food-for-thought to create this post & in no way endorse or oppose that post).

Thanks for giving a thought & sharing !

Good day!


Found this right there on the front page.

Forum Rules
Last updated: January 3, 2020

This forum aims to encourage vibrant discussion amongst players of Empires & Puzzles. The forum is intended to be a fun and safe platform to interact with other players across the globe - of all backgrounds and beliefs.

Remember that you are responsible for how you express yourself. We ask that everybody keeps the conversation constructive and civilized.

Thanks for the reminder :two_hearts:


The forum is meant for people to express their thoughts and oppinions about the game. Wether those thoughts are regarding strategic use of heroes or special skills or troops asignment or lucky summoning or game statistics or data collections or achivements or conspiracy theories on game being unfair or apeals to stop spending or not buying flasks to complete towers, as long as they keep it civil, all players are entitled to share their game related thoughts and oppinions here. Just as averyone else is entitled to have a different oppinion and also share it here.


Civil discussion

Click for civil discussion, fan art, bug work arounds, tracking updates, live service game, Super fans, future friends, venting, no spend

Fan art

Bug work around

Tracking updates

Live service

Super Fans

Future friends



see Complaint Category in notes

No spend

see No spend trap in notes


Click for notes

Helping forum

(Be a Regular Hero 🤹 - guide for Regular Forum Users)

Forum organization

(I strongly dislike merged topics - #57 by zephyr1)

Complaint Category

No spend trap

Edit: @Petri ( head cat wrangler ), staff, moderators, regulars, users, and everyone who contributes positively to the forum are awesome. One of the best forums on the internet



Good Discussion. Personally I am here specifically to learn how to better my game and gather infomation. I also appreciate others who helped me when I knew little about the game, so I pay it forward by helping players with questions. SO basically I think that’s how we should live our lives, keep learning and help others when possible. Pretty simple recipe if you ask me. Oh…and have fun!!



This forum is so diverse. Whether you are looking for help as a beginner (there are so many helpful people here), as an expert exchanging strategies, wanting to report bugs, looking for members for your alliance, want to exchange thoughts about whatever with like-minded people or just want to party or have some fun, you get everything here! Rants are only a minor part, even if it may seem different at times, especially if you are personally concerned.


For me learning about heroes, understanding the game better, seeing rewards and CALENDARS, many thanks to the contributors


Optimally it could be a breeding ground for good ideas:

Here is one that got implemented

It can also be a great Litmus Test for any implementations of bad ideas!
Unfortunately players who voice concerns risk being misconstrued,
mischaracterized and misinterpreted as:

Which leads to the message being lost !

But a free and open forum where ideas, concerns and criticisms can all be shared should be preferable to censorship


On the flip side there are also those that only bring negativity who are misconstrued, mischaracterized and misinterpreted as “voicing concerns”

It doesn’t matter on which side of the fence you sit as long as you behave positively


This again sounds like victimhood = sounds like poor fellows risk but don’t stand a chance !

Communication style / quality ensures it is not misconstrued, mischaracteried & misinterpreted

It’s the responsibility of the communicator to find a way to get it all across #appropriately, otherwise, WHY communicate at all !!

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I originally came to the forums for game information and stayed for the cameraderie. The forums are susceptible to all the usual suspects rampant on the internet – flame wars, emotional head banging, and so on, but on the whole it is better behaved here.

I think from SG’s perspective it is a cheap and easy form of game support. Players can get sound gameplay tips and helpful advice when facing issues – usually from unpaid fellow players, and can rant here rather than directly to them.


Yes. Like calling people cribs:

Or calling someone a liar…
right homaclese?

Whether negative criticism is warranted or not. It’s a differing view from another human being who also cares about the game!

I feel criticism is ALWAYS warranted.
Bring it all!
The crime is when comprehension gets replaced with name calling.
Repeatedly, over and over. And then Troll’d to all threads where anyone


Anything that you disagree with…
Including, negative criticism
A buff…
A nerf…
Bad RNG…
A rescinded offer…
A changed format…
A paywall…
Mass costumes…

There are positive ways to reach people who are upset! Refusing to comprehend their side and lashing back over and over everywhere invariably becomes a
2-way street

I too have defended SG,

And I pleaded with them, right here.

And now, I am horrified by the costumes.
And do feel angry.

Some negative criticism is emotional.
I agree, but I find much of it impossible to ignore, and having justifiable reasons for the emotion. What better place than an open forum to discuss these changes?

If you choose to continually pit yourself against people who feel frustrated or disappointed.
I would say the past year is enough to keep you very busy… and moving forward doesn’t appear any lighter in that regard… so you’re primed to have the time of your lives, lol…

But who knows, maybe there will be an amazing Christmas gift this year rather than a couple pots and a harpoon with a side-offer where you give them more money :man_shrugging:t2:


I remember mine vividly and usually with a sense of horror. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

These days I largely confine myself to community content for fun.


@Pompitous : :rofl: At least you r consistent with your cribs, complains all over the place….

What do you plan to achieve by it all
You r digging a bigger pit for yourself,
knowing you, you will compel yourself to keep defending all that :point_up: …. all the time !
Try pausing & chill… :wink:



Well said, lol

It seems your definition of crib is a view that is different from yours.

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I would like this 10000 times if I could :slight_smile:

Some people just prefer to be hypocritical, laughing at and ridiculing others instead of showing compassion and kindness. Funny, some of the posters who laugh at others the most, also sometimes post complaints :stuck_out_tongue:

I fully support this, being kind to people who are upset.


Oddly I’m reminded of @FrancescoDarkness who speaks an obscure dialect of a language I don’t know. He has gotten some underserved vitriol, but I really think our help is being lost in translation. As far as I can tell he just matches three wherever. Not a strategy, but I still feel bad that we can’t help. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

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You have a good heart my friend :slight_smile:


Yes, that translation is not always good. And yes, when I turned to the support they tried to help but not how the game and principles work, they always directed me to the forum and here I may not have learned more about what I asked in that year. I’m not even surprised because the players write here and they have no obligation or guaranteed relevance of the answer. It’s a pity because my game was quite fun, but I play it as soon as I really have to, and I’m sorry I can’t recommend it to my friends and play it with them because I couldn’t explain to them how it actually works.


e&p forum mean e&p facility to meet game player for open discussion related e&p game and self related