What Heroes To Use - VS Ursena

Would a team c like Kiril +13, Bt, joon, Vivica 3.70 and melendor +16 be decent? I’ve tried yellow stack with joon, Vivica, li xiu, proteus and Mel but lost a few times and tried a few other combos.
I easily pass part 1 on hard but when she goes titan she destroys me.
I also have wu and chao who isn’t leveled yet. Magni, domitia, mitsuko are maxed 5s. Just got justice but can only take to 3.70 and have others I’d rather train first. I do have Elena a 2.25 and khagan at 3.60 and some other 5s that I can’t see being useful here. The post with Kiril, bt, rigard and Sonya and caedmon gave me new hope. I have them as well, caedmon is 3.45 and Sonya is 1.1 as I just got a few of her from tc20.
I would like to beat her at next Atlantis if not earlier. I can make any item as well in forge. I think the titanium shield would work but my lodge is only at l1.

One of my alliance member forced her to kill herself with


all maxed and just used some mana and health drinks.

Its just important to have two healer ready when Ursena fires her special. Optimum would to run a healing with defence upgrade before she fires ( like Kiril) and a healing with clearance after ( like Rigard or Vivica ) . The very best would be, of course, if you would have the luck of tiles so that you could always hit her weak point with at least three tiles so that she has no chance to fire.

Would a team c like Kiril +13, Bt, joon, Vivica 3.70 and melendor +16 be decent?

You should be able to, you have 3 healers, one dispeller and two defense buffers here. I beat Ursena on hard with Triton, Kiril, Aegir 3/70, Skittleskull and Sabina. I won because I always had a defense buff (from Kiril or Aegir) and Skittle’s defense debuff active at the same time.

With your team, make sure either Vivica or Kiril has a defense buff up, and keep your healers chared, and always use Melendor after Ursena’s special so Joon can use his special safely. even then might take more than one try but you should be able to win with that team.

I do have triton too. I’m shocked by the teams people beat her with on hard. 4* hero’s even with emblems can be 1 shot by her. I made 3 attempts with 1 getting her dish to 20k in the titan phase. I saw killa beat it with guin, jackal and 2 other yellows plus Sabina. Jackal got killed but he beat it pretty easy.
I have mitsuko, magni, domitia and Joon max with l6 emblems. My max 4s are li xiu, wu, tiburtus, proteus, Sabina, rigard, bt, kelile, Scarlett, triton, Kiril, Grimm all 3 4+12, caedmon, melendor +16.
Troops are all 4* l9 except blue which is 3 l6.
Others at different levels are Vivica, justice, chao, danza, hu tao, amoenna, colen, Sonya, skittle. Some I just got like justice and Sonya others are just sitting waiting for trade in at hero academy hopefully.
I know justice would help but I don’t want to max her before Vivica and taking to 3.70 would take too long just for 1 fight.
If anyone sees a hero combo that would be likely to win let me know.
I can also make any forge item. Not sure what to take beside timec stops and small health pots . thanks in advance.

you could try mirroring my strategy: attack debuff + defense buff + lots of healing


Kiril (heal + defense buff)
Triton (boosts healing; when you don’t need healing can boost his attack with Kiril + Boldtusk and hit harder)
Scarlett (mostly for the attack debuff, but the fast mana attack is nice; she is frail but with this team you have two defense buffers and an attack debuffer)
Boldtusk (more healing, attack buff helps end battle faster)
Vivica (her tile damage is nice and strong against Ursena, but you don’t need a dispeller because her skill does no damage and shouldn’t be reflected, gives a good heal + defense buff)

you will mostly depend on tile damage to kill Ursena. time Kiril / Vivica / Boldtusk just after she debuffs so you can make the most of their buffs. try to always have Scarlett’s debuff plus one of the defense buffs on at the same time, so Ursena can’t 1-shot your 4*s (this was critical in getting me to win).

as for items:

revive scrolls, because even if you play super carefully you could lose a hero; and it’s critical not to.
mana potions x2, i would use two slots for this. in fact, use 3 slots for mana potions. you never know when you need a timely heal or defense buff.

Thanks, this is one I wouldn’t have attempted but will give it a try in the next week or so. I’ll post back once I get results.I was thinking of using proteus who I just maxed but this 3x healer looks good. I don’t care how I just want her beat, hard mode really turns it up.

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I tried using Proteus, along with Li Xiu, too. They were great on normal mode but didn’t help me much in Hard, Ursena just does too much damage. good luck!

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4 healers and a def down buffer.

Well I did it. Thank you for the advice. I took Kiril 4.70+14, magni 4.80+6, joon 4.80+6, BT 4.65, Vivica 4.58. I could have probably used melendor instead of bt. He would have dispelled her yellow reflect so I could fire joon more but I didn’t. I fought to max proteus thinking of need him but didn’t. I used time stops to stop her firing and probably didn’t nedd to use all 5 but played safe. Used a few medium health and a few small mana tubes to get viv or Kiril shield up. Took revive scrolls but didn’t use them. All hero’s made it and she only fired maybe 4x. Each time I had shield up from viv and if she 1 shot I had Kiril shield up or magni shield. Its slower than yellow stack but it was doable. I focused on hitting the stun spot to keep her frozen. Made diamonds timed the skill use and grinded away. Now hopefully those 500 coins will pull tarlak, ursena, Poseidon, Wilbur and dawa(don’t want to be greedy…lol) then 2 bonus draw of miki…yeah.


Proteus and li aren’t needed. Kiril, bt, Vivica, joon, magni. I just beat it with them. My post of how is below. Good luck.

20 tokens

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Left Leonidas home.
Skittleskull+18 Boldtusk+20 Kiril+9 Wilbur+17 Melendor+18
3 tornado, 2 time stop, 1 100%mana, 5 60%mana
Around 40 minutes

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