What happened to Elemental chest loot?

Elemental Chest loot is completly crap.

This was the last chest (today)

This was the chest before

Just a waste of time to fill the chest

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I kept track of my last 42 elemental chests.
Got 12 4* mats from them.
The last one, yesterday, gave an Alpha Aether. I remember a few EHT and 2-3 Epic Tomes of Experience too, but did not record them, only 4* mats and Alphas.

The inteval between those chests is gor me roughly 9.5 days. So I get a 4* mats from elemental chests every month.
With the gems and free tokens its not too bad.

Happy gaming

You sure? Those only drop from Titans and War Chests. And now from the Path of Giants.

I did not track, so maybe I remembered wrong…
But the one 4*!mats every month is solid, and IMO that is good loot compared to the effort.

Happy gaming

Yea, I track mine as well and do not recall ever getting a tome of experience from it. 4* mats out of them have been crap as well. I’ve gone months without getting one. Still definitely worth it for other things that drop.

That’s interesting. I have been tracking my elemental chests from February and found that normally every 30-50 chests I get a new elemental one. But I also got one after only 15 chests, which coincidentally was after an elemental on the Titan chest slot. I understand you said there’s only one “magical number”, but behaviour seems to act differently in some cases.

Have you found they coincide with contest of elements? I got an elemental chest to fill right as contest of elements started and for the same color.

I don’t see how your experience goes against my statement :thinking: I said a new elemental chest comes at random every 15 to 55 chests, which matches your observation.

Not al all. I got a blue chest when last contest of elements was ocurring.

In any case I’m trying to go against your statement. I just mention a particular case that I had, which could mean that the “magical number” works slightly different for each user.

I see no difference between your experience and @Elioty33 ‘s fundings.

He proposed a magic number, between 15 and 55 chests.
You observed an intervall of 30-50 chests with a one time occurrence of 15 chests, thats perfectly aligned if you do not use a uniform (rectangled) distribution of the „magic“ number! Use a cauchy-distribution, centered arround 35 and your experience is well described.
You can get to such a distribution if you do not take one numbee between 15 and 55 by rng, but try to take 3 numbers bertween 5 and 18 and add them up. You will see rarely a 15 or a 54 and a center at 21-25. If you choose to get 5 numbers between 3 abd 11, you would get the lower boundary if all 5 tries get you a three, the upper boundary if all get a 11. The peak would be arround 30.
That would be a mathematically easy approach to get a number centered arround 30 chests with occasionally shorter or longer periods.

P.S. My own average is 36 chests with 98 chests tracked.

Happy gaming


Which is pretty much in line with my statement. I think it’s a uniform distribution and the mid point between 15 and 55 is 35. You didn’t give the decimals but just off-by-one for about 100 measurements is already pretty close.

Are you wearing a tinfoil hat? Sounds like a conspiracy. The game works the same for everyone. It’s just that many things are random and you need a proper measurement method to prove that it works the same for everyone, not just an easily-biased human brain trying to figure things out of the blue.


Easy SG change %. Was more now we have less, amazing I known :sweat_smile:

I doubt its a unigorm distribution!
In a unigorm fistribution we would see as many 15 chests equals 4 days as 55 chests, equals 14 days between elemental chests. In the 98 chests, which is not really enough to prove, I had one 4 day and two 15 day intervalls.

But maybe the number of datapoints is unsufficient to deduct the distribution function.

Happy gaming

The game doesn’t care about how many days you take to complete your chests. During your measurements, did you always complete the same amount of chests every day? Otherwise, your argument is baseless. But if yes, I would also say it certainly is not enough data points indeed. There are 41 different possible outcomes for that roll (15 to 55, inclusive) and you have about just double that of data points.

They’re still more and more greedy. I haven’t received anything worthy in these chests for maybe years now… that’s what happened. Greed

SG is definitely out to get you specifically! Tell ‘em Brano! :rofl:


Yes, I always fill 4 chests on every workdays, 7 on weekends and a titan chest every 5 days….

Happy gaming

Man, you’re quite defensive, I guess because of the current forum mood. But anyway, I wasn’t looking for some conspiracy, just trying to further stress and understand the behavior for this. Now it’s clear to me. Thanks for the information.

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Seems like a habit to me :sweat_smile:

if you were to get 20gems and 2 coins, that would be the possible worst elemental chest, lol

Dont forget about 3 loot tickets :rofl:

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